MicroSense Model 10 磁力计

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  • Model 10

  • 磁力计

  • MicroSense

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  • MicroSense


"The Model 10 Mark II VSM is the state of the art in VSM magnetometers. Its sensitivity and accuracy surpasses all other commercial vector magnetometers. Its field range and resolution make it the ideal system both for high and low coercivity materials. The accuracy in the determination of the magnetization vector, together with the high sensitivity, makes this the first VSM that can be a real alternative to a torque magnetometer for anisotropy studies on modern recording materials.","The real time field control system with field noise as low as 5 mOe, make this system suitable for both high coercivity and low coercivity materials.","The Model 10 VSM has solved the biggest problem in traditional vector magnetometers: the difficult calibration process and the angular dependence of the sensitivity.","In a traditional VSM, when the orientation of the sample to the field (or the field to the sample) is changed, the orientation of the sample relative to the coils is changed. As a result, the sensitivity of the system will be different at every angle. This is especially true if the sample is not rotation symmetric. Even with rotation symmetric samples there will always be some angular variation due to rotation eccentricities.","Furthermore, in all vector magnetometers where the sensor is fixed relative to the magnetic field, it is impossible to do a direct calibration of the Y direction sensor (coils) because it is impossible to apply a field in the Y direction and saturate the sample.","Both issues have been solved in the Model 10 VSM Mark II. In this system the sensor coils are fixed relative to the sample and the magnet rotates around both the coils and the sample. This allows the direct calibration of the Y coils by applying a field in the direction of the Y coils and it prevents angular sensitivity changes in the sensitivity by keeping the position and orientation of the sample fixed to the sense coils.","The Model 10 VSM delivers very low vector coil noise of 5 micro-emu without any signal averaging and 0.5 micro-emu when the signal is averaged 100 times. The magnet can rotate from -540 to + 540 degrees with a resolution better than 0.1 deg. The vector coils are a standard option. At the most optimal gap, the system can reach a maximum field of 20,000 Oe and has a maximum error in the magnetization vector magnitude or angle of less than ±1.5% and ±1.5º.","At a slightly smaller magnet gap, the maximum field is 22,000 Oe.","The temperature option is always included with the system and always ready to use installed on the system. The temperature range is 77K + 100K to 773K."

Model 10 磁力计技术参数

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性 能
精度 1.00 ±% Full Scale
测量范围 3.20E7 to 3.20E10 microgauss
分辨率 1000 µG
特 性
测量技术 Magnetoresistive (optional feature); VSM
测量模式 Measures Direction; Measures Magnitude
环 境
工作温度 15 to 35 C (59 to 95 F)
物 理
外观形式 Desktop / Module
产品类别 Magnetometers


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