The Multicor® mass flow meter line uses the science of particle acceleration and its resultant forces to measure flow rate and total weight at accuracies of +\/- 0.5%. Space efficiency and overall reliability make Multicor® an ideal choice for feeding, measuring and batching applications involving reasonably free-flowing dry materials.Multicor® consists of a partitioned measuring wheel, mounted on a drive shaft inside a central dust tight housing. The drive shaft is driven by an electric motor mounted outside Multicor®'s housing. Material enters the unit through an off-center inlet and discharges through a center outlet below the measuring wheel.In operation, the measuring wheel rotates at a constant speed. Material entering the unit flows into the top of the measuring wheel and is deflected outward in a radial direction creating a \"Coriolis force\". Multicor® sees this force as a change in torque which is detected by a strain gauge load cell. The output of the load cell is electronically processed to produce flow rate and total weight values at accuracies of +\/- 0.5%. Best of all, unlike other flow meters on the market, Multicor®'s performance is not affected by material density, friction or in-feed drop height.