美国 Minco Products, Inc. 一直处于设计和制造加热、柔性电路、温度传感和仪表尖端解决方案的前沿,满足最具挑战性的应用需求。我们的专业团队与客户密切合作,以确定适合其特定需求的最佳解决方案。我们提供广泛的现成产品来满足标准要求,并能够与多个行业的工程团队合作制定定制解决方案。Minco 总部位于明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯,自1956年成立以来,我们已发展成为一家财务实力雄厚、稳定且不断扩张的私人控股公司,年收入超过1亿美元。在全球范围内,我们雇佣了600多名员工,其中100多名是工程师。Minco 温度传感器、柔性加热器和柔性 PCB 制造工厂拥有300,000 平方英尺的制造空间,通过了80 多项质量认证。我们经验丰富的领导团队、精力充沛的员工队伍和持续改进的文化以设计和制造创新的柔性电路、加热器、传感器、仪器和集成产品为指导,最大限度地提高客户和产品的可靠性和性能。此外,Minco致力于成为全球生命科学、航空航天、电子、工业、商业、国防和军事应用关键部件的盈利和增长制造商,同时提供动态工作环境,为个人成长和发展提供机会。使命通过我们员工的承诺,Minco设计和制造创新的柔性电路、加热器、传感器、仪器和集成产品,最大限度地提高客户产品的可靠性和性能。愿景我们将成为全球医疗、工业、军事和航空应用关键部件的盈利和增长制造商,拥有一个动态的工作环境,为个人成长和发展提供机会。价值观在我们与客户、供应商、同事和其他利益相关者的关系中,明科致力于践行我们的诚信、沟通、责任、尊重和活力的icare价值观主要产品柔性加热器温度传感器柔性电路仪器仪表服务行业工业,医疗,航空航天,国防和军事,电子产品,商业应用中国业务MINCO(北京)科技有限公司
  • Minco TC102962EU144S 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962EU48E 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962EU48S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JG144E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JG144S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JG48E 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JG48S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JJU144S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JJU48S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JU144E 热电偶温度探头

    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JU144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JU48E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962JU48S 热电偶温度探头

    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KG144E 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KG144S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KG48E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KG48S 热电偶温度探头

    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KKU144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KKU48S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KU144E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KU144S 热电偶温度探头

    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KU48E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962KU48S 热电偶温度探头

    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    结构类型:Ungrounded Thermocouple
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG144E 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 257 F (-184 to 125 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
  • Minco TC102962TG144S 热电偶温度探头

    结构类型:Grounded Thermocouple
    测量温度范围:-299 to 392 F (-184 to 200 C)
    探头配置:Other (Special Purpose); Embedment Thermocouples
    直径或宽度:0.1250 inch (3.17 mm)
    感应区长度:0.3000 inch (7.62 mm)
    传感器终端:Bare or Insulated Lead Wires; Metal Braided Leads
    产品类别:Thermocouple Temperature Probes
1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 20

