





1. 可实现长期连续自动监测,无需专人值守。

2. 采用Hj212-2017协议,可与环保局平台无缝衔接。

3. 一套多测,采用模块化设计原则, 可根据不同的检测需要,采用不同检测项目组合方案。

4. 多种采样方式可选,可自由组合浮筒、浮球等,适用于多种工况条件。

5. 配置微型工业空调,确保恒温系统长期稳定运行,以及试剂在有效期内不变质。

6. 运维成本低,系统智能化水平高,可实现自动清洗、故障自动复位、系统自动检测等。

7. 初级过滤与精密过滤相结合,采用多级预处理技术,可满足不同仪器的测试需求。

8. 采用防雷块设计,安全可靠,可确保仪器全天候正常稳定的运行。

9. 分析仪表采用恒温光纤,一体式消解比色模块,反应更安全,测量精度更高。

10. 全触式大屏智能操作系统,基于检测流程的图形化UI设计,操作界面简洁明了,易教易学;

11. 配套云平台,可进行数据的显示储存,设备的管理以及历史数据的查询等一系列功能。

  • 水质检测


禹山传感 Y5000 水质检测仪器

苏州禹山传感 Y5000 水质检测仪器

云传物联 便携式多参数水质检测仪 便携式水质检测仪

AMT/YB-101型便携式多参数水质检测仪整机采用高强度铝合金外壳 耐腐蚀、强度高、体积小巧轻便、便于携带。依据国家环境标准开 发。该检测仪可同时在线测量五种参数指标。均采用光电、电化学 等原理进行各项指标的测定,无需试剂辅助检测,不会产生二次污 染(测量废液)。

BA 比特原子 WQM01A 水质检测传感器


清易电子(天津) QY-16浮标水质监测站 水质检测仪器

清易电子(天津) QY-16B 浮标水质监测站是一款自动水质检测仪器

PCE Instruments 5856157 水质检测仪器

" PCE-PH20 easy-to-use pH meter for pH determination \/ External pH electrode \/ Recalibratable \/ Waterproof (IP 67)","The pH meter was developed to directly determine the pH in aqueous media or water based solutions. The waterproof pH tester PCE-PH20 is used for the fast and accurate measurement of pH. The practical display makes the pH value on the pH meter easy to read. Due to the waterproof and robust housing (IP 67), the pH value tester can also be used under difficult conditions. A recalibration always guarantees optimum accuracy and is very easy to perform using the optionally available calibration kits (automatic calibration function without calibration screws - to be performed only via the keyboard).Water quality in aquariums is extremely important for the living organisms that inhabit it. Slight changes in pH level and temperature may lead to aggravating results and even death of the fishes or reptiles in the water tank. Therefore, application of the appropriate pH meter is required. The ecosystem in the aquarium must be as much similar to the natural conditions as possible. So, the measurements should be regular and provide accurate result.Depending on the purpose of creating an aquarium, commercial, scientific (experimental and laboratory tests), decorative, the most desirable pH level should be maintained to provide correct living conditions for the fishes and other possible organisms there. Modern devices are often portable and easy-to-use instruments which help to monitor the changes in the pH level during the day or from day to day etc. The glass electrodes have long service life and due to a high level of precision and wide measurement range, it is possible to apply the meter often and detect the slightest deviations. For this type of measurements, the presence of the temperature sensor is very important, since the temperature change may occur within one aquarium, and it should be detected at once."

HACH 哈希 5500 sc 水质检测仪器

"How do you currently manage your chloramination? Are you looking for an accurate and reliable way to optimize your process? You could be spending precious time and money on unnecessary or incorrect testing. Or you could be using the 5500 sc Ammonia Monochloramine Analyzer to provide continuous monitoring that gives you the information you need to control your chloramination process. With Prognosis, the analyzer's onboard predictive diagnostic software, you will have early insight into the measurement reliability and service requirements of your instruments. A user-friendly interface, color coded reagent bottles and at-a-glance status lights will offer peace of mind the instrument is up and running. Do you struggle to prevent harmful nitrification events? The 5500 sc Ammonia Monochloramine Analyzer provides all the information you need to eliminate nitrification events and taste and odor issues, giving you total confidence in your process. The analyzer offers an easy-to-operate, low-maintenance solution to help you maintain the proper chlorine to ammonia ratio and assure there is no free ammonia in your system that could lead to nitrification. We removed the traditional pumps associated with reagent delivery and replaced them with a pressurized system to eliminate the hassles and maintenance that pumps can cause."

北海灵犀 JC-16 水质检测仪器

浮标水质监测站是设立在河流、湖泊、水库、近岸海域等流 域内的现场水质自动监测实验室,是以水质监测仪为核心,运用 传感器技术,结合浮标体、电源供电系统、数据传输设备组成的 放置于水域内的小型水质监测系统。用于连续自动监测被测水体的水质变化情况,客观地记录水 质状况,及时发现水质异常变化,进而实现对该水域或下游进行 水质污染预报,研究水体扩散、自净规律等。达到掌握水质和污 染物通量,防治水污染事故,为环境保护管理部门提供技术服务 的目的。

KROHNE Messtechnik OPTISYS SLM 2100 水质检测仪器

"Reliable sludge blanket measurement via optical sensor.","The sludge level meter OPTISYS SLM 2100 features an accurate and reliable profile measurement of the sedimentation tank using an optical sensor which travels through all layers of the tank reading suspended solids concentration at the different heights."

Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments NexTD 水质检测仪器

"Protecting the environment from unwanted hydrocarbon discharges, protecting sensitive water treatment systems from unwanted oil contamination and 24\/7 monitoring of industrial processes to prevent upsets has been the sole purpose of Turner Designs Hydrocarbon Instruments and its team for over 20 years. Continuous improvement of field measurement, ease of use and reliability has led to the development of our NexTD oil in water monitor. It uses a non-purged explosion proof \/ flame proof enclosure in 316 stainless or aluminum to CID1 and CI Zone1. The new generation oil in water monitor grew out of the popularity of our industry standard TD-4100 XD E09 powered products and the need to deploy where purge air for explosion protection was not available.","All NexTDs use our popular E09 firmware package and on-board data logger. See the E09 data sheet for details. They are Ethernet and wireless capable and now are available with more optical choices and configurations for added field flexibility and new applications."

Myron L 麦隆 CTCII 水质检测仪器

" FEATURES: ","The unique circuitry of the CTCII™ Chemical Treatment Controller guarantees accurate and reliable measurements. Drift free performance is assured by field proven electronics, including automatic DC offset compensation and highly accurate drive voltage.","Since Temperature Compensation is at the heart of accurate water measurement, all MyronL CTCII controllers feature a highly refined and precise TC circuit. This feature perfectly matches the water temperature coefficient as it changes. All models corrected to 25°C.","Standard on all models are two heavy-duty 10 amp output relays, operating on increasing readings. Bright red\/green LED indicates above or below set point values.","All CTCII models feature a compact IP65\/ NEMA 4X water resistant and corrosion proof rated enclosure 4.7 x 6.3 in.\/120 x 160 mm. They are suitable for bench or surface mounting."




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