
自1957年以来,PHD公司一直在创造尖端的工业自动化解决方案。如今,我们庞大的产品线已成为业界的黄金标准。 PHD提供各种各样的按需制造的执行器、原始设备制造商的插入式组件、电动执行器、专用工作夹和运动控制机器人。长寿命和卓越的设计已成为博士品牌的标志。从单个执行器到多单元系统,PHD以其为几乎任何应用需求创建全面解决方案而自豪,并提供及时的交付和专门的支持。 我们已经从每个运动轴上覆盖了你: •气缸 •夹持器 •线性幻灯片 •夹具 •旋转执行机构 •逃逸 •多运动执行机构 •开关和传感器
  • PHD 9000 霍尔效应位置传感器

    "Hall Sensor provides independent and fully adjustable multiple position sensing on 8400 Angular Grippers, 190 & 191 Parallel and 190 Angular Grippers, 5300 Oval Grippers, and all Rotary Actuators and Multi-Motion Actuators. The Set Point Module provides independent adjustment of two set point positions from two sensors or allows one set point module to interface with two actuators. It also can be used with a single unit providing 4 adjustable set points throughout jaw travel or rotation. Additionally, the solid state electronics with Hall Effect sensing technology provide for an infinite number of trouble-free cycles. Advantages: Solid State electronics with Hall Effect sensing technology. Provides independent and fully adjustable multiple position sensing. Wide signal range capability."

