Euchner 安士能
 德国Euchner安士能是一家中等规模的家族企业,总部位于斯图加特附近的莱恩费尔登-埃希特丁根(Leinfelden-Echterdingen)。安士能Euchner成立于1953年,目前公司拥有750多名员工,致力满足全球客户的需求。安士能Euchner专注于工业安全工程。安士能Euchner的安全开关和安全系统可监视机器和设备上的安全门和安全吊门,这有助于最大限度地减少危险和风险,从而可为人员和流程提供可靠的保护。此外,安士能Euchner还拥有广泛的人机界面产品和自动化开关设备。超过60年的经验1940 Emil Euchner 创立了一家工程公司。1953年 EUCHNER + Co. 在莱因费尔登成立。1961年 Son Wolfgang Euchner 接管了公司的管理。目前有25名员工。1970 在Unterböhringen开设生产基地。1971年 Leinfelden 工厂扩建。1980 Leinfelden 基地的进一步扩建。1982年 在英国成立子公司。1987年 在荷兰成立子公司。1989 在奥地利和美国成立子公司。1991 在瑞士成立子公司,在印度成立合资企业。1994 安全工程产品领域带动持续增长。1996 在巴西成立子公司。1997 Michael 和 Stefan Euchner 接任 Wolfgang Euchner 的继任者。1998 在西班牙成立子公司。2001年 在法国和韩国成立子公司。2003年 EUCHNER 庆祝成立 50 周年。全球 360 名员工,以及 10 家子公司和 18 家销售合作伙伴和分销商。2004年 新的销售大楼在莱因费尔登投入使用。2005年 在匈牙利成立子公司。2006年 在莱因费尔登建造物流和生产大楼。在中国成立子公司。2008年 在捷克共和国成立子公司。2009 在印度成立另一家销售公司。2011 在日本设立营业所。2012 新的、高度先进的物流中心和生产大楼在莱因费尔登投入运营。Stefan Euchner 接管了企业的管理。2013 EUCHNER 庆祝成立 60 周年。全球 600 名员工。在土耳其成立子公司。在 Leinfelden 工厂建造占地 1,900 平方米的新建筑,扩大生产。2015 EUCHNER 在中国扩张并搬进了更大的行政和生产大楼。在墨西哥成立子公司。在日本成立子公司。2017 在加拿大成立子公司。2018 新的减氧气氛储存系统投入使用。在波兰成立子公司。
  • Euchner 安士能 SFM 安全监控系统

    "OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices)","Auxiliary contacts ","One auxiliary contact per channel.","Inputs","One start input per channel and one feedback loop per channel. Freely usable on SFM-B...","Logic functions ","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates.","With the monitors SFM-B..., additional logic func- tions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses are available. The number of links and the memory depth are larger than on the SFM-A... devices."
  • Euchner 安士能 GMO 安全监控系统

    "Gateway to Profibus","For connection to a Profibus DP as a slave and as a master for one or two AS-i buses according to specification 3.0. Detection of earth fault, double addressing and EMC problems. Rapid commissioning with the display without PC. Direct display of faults with plain-text messages. Comprehensive AS-i diagnostics integrated. AS-i configuration software is available.","OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices), AS-i outputs","Inputs","Logic functions ","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates or via logic functions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses. Different programs can be stored on a memory card.","AS-Interface monitor ","The monitor controls two AS-i circuits with up to 62 safe slaves and up to 16 outputs.","Display and buttons","The display is used to operate the gateway func- tionality as well as the monitor at the same time. The diagnostics and maintenance functions are considerably expanded compared to the SFM monitors. They can also be launched on the display without a PC monitor.","Incorporated security functions allow the programmed functionality to be protected and monitored."
  • Euchner 安士能 MSC 安全监控系统

    "MSC is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. MSC is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. MSC-CB base unit with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single MSC-CB base unit can control several remote expansion modules. The MSC 'Euchner Safety Designer' Software with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every MSC-CB base unit."
  • Euchner 安士能 MCT 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MCM 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MB 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MI 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MO 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MR 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 MV 安全监控系统

    "Mosaic is a modular safety controller for protecting machines and personnel. Mosaic is capable of monitoring several safety sensors and commands, such as safety light curtains, non-contact switches, photocells, mechanical switches, zero-speed monitoring, safety mats, emergency stops, two-hand controls. Mosaic master M1 module with 8 inputs, 2 digital outputs and 2 pairs OSSD outputs can run stand alone or can be expanded. A single M1 module can control several remote expansion modules. The Mosaic Safety Designer Software MSD with timing, counting, logical and memory operators, communications and muting options is provided at no extra cost with every Mosaic master unit. Max configuration: 128 inputs, 16 OSSD pairs, 16 feedback restart e\/o interlock inputs and 32 status outputs.","Note: Mosaic M1 unit does not come with a MSC connector. That item must be purchased separately.","Food, Robotics, Packaging, Plastics, Material Handling, Paper, Assembly, Printing, Textile and Compactors. Due to the unique capabilities of this product, it is suitable almost anywhere that safety and flexibility are needed.","FEATURES","BENEFITS","TECHNICAL"
  • Euchner 安士能 SBM 安全监控系统

    "AS-i master","The SBM includes an AS-i Master, which can be switched off as an option. This permits several SBMs to be operated on an AS-Interface circuit. Configuration is performed with a PC. LEDs signal the state on the device.","OSSDs (Output Signal Switching Devices) ","Safe inputs","There are four safe inputs to which safety devices without AS-i bus can be directly connected. The inputs can be optionally used as standard inputs\/ monitoring outputs, e.g. for feedback loop or start button.","Logic functions","Programmable with AsiMon software. All safety components can be programmed with different functions as inputs. The inputs can be linked with AND or OR gates or via logic functions such as FlipFlop, switch-on delay, turn-off delay or pulses. Different programs can be stored on memory cards.","AS-Interface monitor","The monitor controls one AS-i circuit with up to 31 safe slaves and up to 16 OSSDs, of which 2 are built into the device. 14 circuits can be used externally in addition."

