Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森
Electro-Sensors, Inc. 于 1968 年在美国明尼苏达州圣路易斯公园开始运营。它由 James P. Slattery 创立,旨在为工业工厂中的材料处理和过程控制应用提供服务。最初的产品包括 Bin-Levetrol 液位传感器,它可以检测物料的存在与否,并用作干散装物料处理系统中使用的料仓或料斗的高或低液位控制。另一个核心产品是用于监控关键轴速度的速度监控器,用于传送带、螺旋输送机、斗式提升机和类似的工艺设备。如果没有保持适当的速度,该速度监视器将关闭驱动设备。随着公司的发展,其他传感技术和产品被添加到工业应用中以监测温度、振动或位置。Electro-Sensors, Inc. 始终如一地生产最可靠的机器监控传感器和危险监控系统,利用前沿技术不断改进我们的产品并使其更易于使用。我们的目标是为我们服务的每个市场制造行业首选的产品。我们通过全面质量承诺,通过完全满足客户的期望来做到这一点。Electro-Sensors, Inc. 通过提供完整的、随时可安装的系统为市场贡献真正的价值。这些系统交付及时,并得到知识渊博的技术支持的支持,提供全面的客户服务。我们感谢许多忠实的客户,他们每天都依靠我们的产品来帮助他们以更高的效率、生产力和控制来运行他们的工厂。无论您的制造环境多么独特或复杂,Electro-Sensors 都有可能遇到类似的挑战。敬业的应用工程师团队和多年的经验与行业最先进的技术相结合,提供性能达到或高于行业标准的可靠解决方案。
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 HazardPRO 安全监控系统

    "Electro-Sensors is revolutionizing the way hazard monitoring is done, with its turnkey HazardPRO™ systems. Rugged sensors and the most advanced wireless technology combine to create the best hazard monitoring solution with the lowest installed cost.","Status At-A-Glance","Real-Time Information","Intelligent transmitter nodes send information both on a scheduled periodic basis and when important changes are detected, ensuring that there are no polling delays or lapses in monitoring.","Full Integration With Your Controls","Easily integrate to your existing plant control or PLC system via:"
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 Electro-Sentry 1 安全监控系统

    "Features","The Electro-Sentry 1 is a hazard monitoring system commonly used on grain elevator legs or conveyors to monitor critical points for shaft slowdown, bearing temperature, and belt alignment as part of a predictive maintenance program to protect against catastrophic breakdowns and machinery failure resulting in product waste, machinery damage, and process downtime. All Electro-Sentry 1 sensors provide a standard 4-20 mA signal for reliability and accuracy."
  • Electro-Sensors 伊莱克森 Electro-Sentry 16 安全监控系统

    "Features","The Electro-Sentry 16 is a hazard monitoring system commonly used on grain elevator legs or conveyors to monitor critical points for bearing temperature and belt alignment as part of a predictive maintenance program to protect against catastrophic breakdowns and machinery failure resulting in product waste, machinery damage, and process downtime. All Electro-Sentry 16 sensors provide a standard 4-20 mA signal for reliability and accuracy."

