深圳市精博仪器有限公司 成立于2021年10月14日,注册地位于深圳市宝安区福海街道桥头社区立新路2号天佑创客产业园F栋436,法定代表人为谭新华。经营范围包括一般经营项目是:仪器仪表销售。主营产品安捷伦Agilent , 是德 keysight, 安立Anritsu, 福禄克FLUKE , 致茂Choma, 罗德与施瓦茨R&S ,吉时利keithley ,泰克Tektronix,KONICA MINOLTA柯尼卡美能达,惠普HP,横河Yokogawa,爱德万Advantest,建伍KENWOOD,莱特波特LitePoint ,艾法斯Aeroflex我们的优势品种齐全,货源充足,存库雄厚,服务快捷,维修能力强!本公司二手仪器货源广阔,绝大部分将继续直接从国外引进,成色新,价格低,性价比极高,并且在售后服务方面尽最大努力做到最好!欢迎来电垂询或亲临选购,并欢迎预订。回收1. 本公司长期现金高价:收购/回收/销售/租凭/维修,进口仪器仪表,二手仪器、工厂倒闭、整批处理或单出,个人闲置仪器.2. 长期销售网络分析仪、频谱分析仪、综合测试仪、数据采集仪,手机测试仪,基站测试仪,蓝牙测试仪,音频分析仪,WAFI测试仪,校准器,示波器,万用表,LCR电桥测试仪、信号发生器,天馈线测试仪,数字通讯测试仪、无线连接测试仪、光波测试仪,色彩色差分析仪,热像仪,误码仪,噪声系统分析仪,高低频信号源、耐压测试仪,阻抗分析仪,调制度仪、电声测试仪、视频音频分析仪、逻辑分析仪、手机程控电源、直流电源、电子负载、频率计、GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB卡、GPIB-USB-B、示波器探头,夹具,功率计,屏蔽箱,熔接机,光类仪器,仪器仪表配件等二手进口仪器。3. 资金雄厚,价格实在。回收工厂闲置/倒闭电子仪器,个人处理仪器。
  • Fluke 福禄克 Fluke 1735 功率计

    "Power quality logging, electrical load studies and energy consumption testing.","The Fluke 1735 Power Logger is the ideal electrician or technician’s power meter for conducting energy studies and basic power quality logging. Set the Power Logger up in seconds with the included flexible current probes and color display. The power quality meter measures most electrical power parameters, harmonics, and captures voltage events.","Applications"
  • Fluke 福禄克 Fluke 1743 功率计

    "The Fluke 1743 Power Quality Logger is an everyday power meter for technicians who troubleshoot and analyze power quality issues. Capable of simultaneously logging up to 500 power parameters for up to 85 days and monitoring for events, this power logger helps uncover intermittent and hard-to-find power quality issues. The included PQ Log software quickly assesses the quality of power at the service entrance, substation, or at the load, according to the latest EN50160 standard."
  • Fluke 福禄克 Fluke 1760 功率计

    "Class-A compliance for the most demanding power quality tests","The Fluke 1760 Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is fully compliant to IEC 61000-4-30 Class-A, for advanced power quality analysis and consistent compliance testing. Designed for analysis of utility and industrial power distribution systems, in medium- and low-voltage networks, this power quality monitor provides the flexibility to customize thresholds, algorithms, and measurement selections. The 1760 power recorder captures the most comprehensive details on user-selected parameters.","Applications"," Detailed disturbance analysis – Perform high-speed transient analysis and uncover root cause of equipment malfunction for later mitigation and predictive maintenance. The fast transient option, with its 6000 V measurement range, allows capture of very short impulses such as lightning strikes."," Class-A quality-of-service compliance – Validate incoming power quality at the service entrance. Thanks to Class A compliance, the Fluke 1760 allows undisputable verification."," Event correlation at multiple locations – Utilizing GPS time synchronization, users can quickly detect where a fault occurred first, either inside or outside the facility."," Galvanic separation and DC coupling – Allows complete measurements on dissimilar power systems. For example troubleshoot UPS systems by simultaneously recording the battery voltage and power output."," Power quality and power load studies – Assess baseline power quality to validate compatibility with critical systems before installation and verify electrical system capacity before adding loads."
  • Fluke 福禄克 Fluke 434&PWR 功率计

    "The easy way to perform energy consumption studies","The Fluke 434\/PWR power analyzer is the ideal tool for finding energy waste in commercial and factory buildings and equipment. Electricians, field service engineers and maintenance technicians can use this special edition instrument to conduct energy consumption studies and electrical load analysis, and to perform power quality logging and analysis according to EN 50160. Fluke’s 434\/PWR is a complete three-phase troubleshooting tool that measures virtually every power system parameter: voltage, current, frequency, power, energy consumption, cos f or power factor, unbalance, and harmonics and inter-harmonics.","Load studies and energy assessments"
  • Fluke 福禄克 FLUKE-345 功率计

    外观形式:Clamp Meter
    产品类别:Power Meters

