
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation
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  • AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation SHMD20K 直线位移传感器

    SHMD20K E-、B–和H-场传感器头由三个不同的传感器组合成一个:电传感器(E-场)、磁感应传感器(B-场)和静磁传感器(H-场)。探头内的每个传感器由三个相互正交的敏感元件组成。,操作员可以使用位于传感器头底部的开关选择所需的传感器类型。,SHMD20K传感器头不单独提供,但仅在购买SM400K或SM40G安全表时提供。有关详细信息,请参阅SM400K或SM40G安全仪表规格表。,重要提示:SHMD20K只能与购买SM400K或SM40G同时销售
  • AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation SHMD400K 直线位移传感器

    The SHMD400K E-, B– and H-field sensor head consists of three different sensors combined into one: an electric sensor (E-field), a magnetic induction sensor (B-field) and a magneto-static sensor (H-field). Each sensor within the probe is composed of three mutually orthogonal sensitive elements.","The operator can select the desired sensor type using a switch located at the base of the sensor head. The SHMD400K sensor head is not available separately, but is only offered in conjunction with the purchase of an SM400K Safety Meter. See the SM400K Safety Meter specification sheet for details.","IMPORTANT NOTE: The SHMD400K can only be sold in conjunction with the purchase of a SM400K Safety Meter

