
IST (Innovative Sensor Technology)
瑞士 Innovative Sensor Technology (IST AG) 拥有超过25年的经验,是物理、化学和生物传感器的领先生产商之一。我们的目标是成为标准和定制传感器技术领域的全球领导者,帮助我们客户的创新和产品设计上升到一个新高度。IST AG专门从事薄膜和厚膜铂镍RTD温度传感器、热式质量流量传感器、电容式湿度传感器、电导率传感器和生物传感器的开发和生产。除了开发和生产标准传感器之外,我们的高素质技术团队还提供咨询和研发服务,以满足客户在传感器技术领域的特定需求。我们的与众不同之处我们开发适合特定应用要求的传感器我们的产品专家提供从开发到售后的支持我们能够在非常短的开发和生产时间内完成小批量和大批量生产我们通过高科技现代化设施提供技术开发和咨询服务我们开发和生产在整个产品系列中兼容的产品始终处于行业领先地位这一挑战推动着我们的先进专业知识不断发展。我们与客户密切合作开发可满足特定应用要求的最佳解决方案,并与包括研究机构和高校在内的广泛合作伙伴合作,不断改进现有技术。
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) P14 Rapid 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    工作温度:-112 to 302 F (-80 to 150 C)
    相对湿度精度:1.5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) P14-W 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    工作温度:-58 to 302 F (-50 to 150 C)
    相对湿度精度:1.5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) HYT 221 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    补偿:Temperature Compensated
    数字输出:I2C ;Other
    工作温度:-40 to 257 F (-40 to 125 C)
    相对湿度精度:1 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) HYT 939 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    补偿:Temperature Compensated
    数字输出:I2C ;Other
    工作温度:-40 to 257 F (-40 to 125 C)
    相对湿度精度:1 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity; Temperature
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) K5-W 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    工作温度:-40 to 302 F (-40 to 150 C)
    相对湿度精度:1.5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) MK33-W 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    工作温度:-40 to 374 F (-40 to 190 C)
    相对湿度精度:2 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) P 14 FemtoCap 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    工作温度:-58 to 302 F (-50 to 150 C)
    相对湿度精度:1.5 %
    相对湿度范围:0.0 to 100 %
    测量变量:Relative Humidity
    产品类别:Hygrometers and Humidity Measurement Instruments
  • IST (Innovative Sensor Technology) P14 2FW Thermo 湿度计和湿度测量仪器

    The IST AG P14 2FW Thermo was designed especially for dew point applications and humidity generators. The favorable one-chip solution consists of a capacitive humidity sensor, based on the standard P14 sensor, together with a heating element, which, at the same time, works as a valid Pt100 sensor. The sensor achieves outstanding measurement accuracy due to the optimal thermal coupling which enables a fast recovery time. Due to heating from the Pt100, humidity is quickly released and enables fast re-measurements after condensation. Furthermore, the Pt100 sensor heats out gases or vapors from the polymer, which might cause a drift of the humidity signal. The sensor is capable of measuring 0 % RH to 100 % RH (maximal dew point +85 °C) with a capacitance of 150 pF ±50 pF (at 30 % RH and +23 °C) and operates within a temperature range of -50 °C to +150 °C.","Further advantages of the P14 2FW Thermo capacitive RH sensor include:","The IST AG P14 2FW Thermo capacitive RH sensor is available with Ni\/Au-flat wire as standard configuration.

