Gilson 吉尔森
1939 年,美国 Gilson 推出了我们的测试筛网,以响应采矿和公路建设行业对更好地控制材料质量的需求。测试屏幕仍然是大多数现代聚合实验室的核心,但 Gilson 并没有停滞不前。随着公司的发展,我们在粒度分析和样品分割设备的卓越专业知识、创新和开发方面享有盛誉。在不断开发和寻找新产品的同时,我们的理念始终如一;我们以具有竞争力的价格提供高质量的产品,并通过专门的技术支持来支持我们出色的客户服务。我们的目标是超越您的期望!除了我们的核心产品外,我们训练有素的客户服务代表和经验丰富的技术人员使我们能够扩展和支持最大的骨料、沥青、混凝土和土壤材料测试设备选择之一。我们的烤箱、天平和通用实验室设备系列完善了我们的产品系列,让您在一处找到所需的一切。我们全面的 270 页目录和新扩展的网站使我们能够展示 Gilson 系列产品,其中包含详细的描述和应用建议、全彩照片和便于产品选择的功能。我们感到自豪的是,在我们的第 3 代家族所有权中,经过 75 多年的服务行业,我们的公司不断发展壮大,但我们的核心价值观从未改变。我们仍然一如既往地对待我们的客户,帮助他们找到问题的最佳解决方案,即使这意味着为他们指明不同的方向。我们知道他们会回来,因为这就是我们希望被对待的方式。公司历史吉尔森公司 (Gilson) 创建于上世纪四十年代。当时,Gilson 博士在美国威斯康星大学医学院任教,开始研制和发展一些市场上未能提供的专用医疗电子仪器。首批产品包括阴极射线记录仪 ─ 一台 18 英寸移动的纸相机,记录阴极管发出的图像信号 ─ 这项技术随后被各国心导实验室广泛使用。 五十年代初期,吉尔森公司又开发了脑电图仪、氧记录仪和生物生理记录仪等。之后,吉尔森公司将产品重点转移到药业、蛋白、基因等市场应用的自动化仪器及色谱系统。今天,吉尔森公司的产品系列已包括高效液相色谱仪、高通量自动化工作站、移液器、馏分收集器、固相萃取仪、检测器,进样器……等等。无论是液相色谱,还是液体样品处理装置,吉尔森都能为制药业和生物科技业提供优质可靠的仪器产品。         自 1957 年起,吉尔森公司 (Gilson Inc.) 将全球总部设立在美国威斯康星州的麦迪逊。1963 年,为满足欧洲市场的需要,在巴黎东北的 Villiers le Bel 成立了法国吉尔森公司 (Gilson S.A.S.)。 2002 年,吉尔森开设了另一间子公司 Gilson International B.V.,总部设在荷兰,负责西欧十个国家的直接销售和服务。通过遍布全球的代理网络以及经原厂严格培训的技术人员,吉尔森乐意为世界各地的客户提供专业的销售和技术支援。
  • Gilson 吉尔森 SG-17 比重瓶

    "Gilson offers three types of vacuum pycnometers to determine maximum specific gravity. All three feature a transparent cover for observation of bubble release during testing. Standard components include vacuum hose, quick-disconnect, and a 3\/8in (9.5mm) threaded aspirator vacuum source."," SG-16A 2000g Pycnometer meets both ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. Aluminum volumetric canister is 7.5in dia. x 6in D (191x152mm) and tests a maximum 2,000g (4.4lb) sample, sufficient for mixes with up to 3\/4in (19.1mm) aggregates. A transparent vacuum lid and a second tapered aluminum lid with capillary bore are included, to allow canister to be used as volumeter for determining specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb (7kg)."," SG-17 1500g Pycnometer (3.3lb) sample is 4in (102mm) deep, sufficient for mixes with up to 1\/2in (13mm) aggregates. Est. Ship Wt.: 12lb (6kg)."," SG-15 Type F Pycnometer meets ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. The large, 10L capacity pycnometer is suited for mixes with aggregates up to 2in (51mm). High-strength plastic vessel with 9.38in (238mm) I.D. has four metal clamps and an O-Ring seal to prevent leakage. An adjustable valve controls water level, and a perorated plastic shelf is included. The shelf supports three 4in (102mm) specimens. Overall dimensions: 10.75x13.3in (273x338mm), Dia.xH. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb"
  • Gilson 吉尔森 SG-16A 比重瓶

    "Gilson offers three types of vacuum pycnometers to determine maximum specific gravity. All three feature a transparent cover for observation of bubble release during testing. Standard components include vacuum hose, quick-disconnect, and a 3\/8in (9.5mm) threaded aspirator vacuum source."," SG-16A 2000g Pycnometer meets both ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. Aluminum volumetric canister is 7.5in dia. x 6in D (191x152mm) and tests a maximum 2,000g (4.4lb) sample, sufficient for mixes with up to 3\/4in (19.1mm) aggregates. A transparent vacuum lid and a second tapered aluminum lid with capillary bore are included, to allow canister to be used as volumeter for determining specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb (7kg)."," SG-17 1500g Pycnometer (3.3lb) sample is 4in (102mm) deep, sufficient for mixes with up to 1\/2in (13mm) aggregates. Est. Ship Wt.: 12lb (6kg)."," SG-15 Type F Pycnometer meets ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. The large, 10L capacity pycnometer is suited for mixes with aggregates up to 2in (51mm). High-strength plastic vessel with 9.38in (238mm) I.D. has four metal clamps and an O-Ring seal to prevent leakage. An adjustable valve controls water level, and a perorated plastic shelf is included. The shelf supports three 4in (102mm) specimens. Overall dimensions: 10.75x13.3in (273x338mm), Dia.xH. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb"
  • Gilson 吉尔森 SG-15 比重瓶

    "Gilson offers three types of vacuum pycnometers to determine maximum specific gravity. All three feature a transparent cover for observation of bubble release during testing. Standard components include vacuum hose, quick-disconnect, and a 3\/8in (9.5mm) threaded aspirator vacuum source."," SG-16A 2000g Pycnometer meets both ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. Aluminum volumetric canister is 7.5in dia. x 6in D (191x152mm) and tests a maximum 2,000g (4.4lb) sample, sufficient for mixes with up to 3\/4in (19.1mm) aggregates. A transparent vacuum lid and a second tapered aluminum lid with capillary bore are included, to allow canister to be used as volumeter for determining specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb (7kg)."," SG-17 1500g Pycnometer (3.3lb) sample is 4in (102mm) deep, sufficient for mixes with up to 1\/2in (13mm) aggregates. Est. Ship Wt.: 12lb (6kg)."," SG-15 Type F Pycnometer meets ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. The large, 10L capacity pycnometer is suited for mixes with aggregates up to 2in (51mm). High-strength plastic vessel with 9.38in (238mm) I.D. has four metal clamps and an O-Ring seal to prevent leakage. An adjustable valve controls water level, and a perorated plastic shelf is included. The shelf supports three 4in (102mm) specimens. Overall dimensions: 10.75x13.3in (273x338mm), Dia.xH. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb"
  • Gilson 吉尔森 SG-15C 比重瓶

    "Gilson offers three types of vacuum pycnometers to determine maximum specific gravity. All three feature a transparent cover for observation of bubble release during testing. Standard components include vacuum hose, quick-disconnect, and a 3\/8in (9.5mm) threaded aspirator vacuum source."," SG-16A 2000g Pycnometer meets both ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. Aluminum volumetric canister is 7.5in dia. x 6in D (191x152mm) and tests a maximum 2,000g (4.4lb) sample, sufficient for mixes with up to 3\/4in (19.1mm) aggregates. A transparent vacuum lid and a second tapered aluminum lid with capillary bore are included, to allow canister to be used as volumeter for determining specific gravity of compacted bituminous mixtures. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb (7kg)."," SG-17 1500g Pycnometer (3.3lb) sample is 4in (102mm) deep, sufficient for mixes with up to 1\/2in (13mm) aggregates. Est. Ship Wt.: 12lb (6kg)."," SG-15 Type F Pycnometer meets ASTM D 2041 and AASHTO T 209. The large, 10L capacity pycnometer is suited for mixes with aggregates up to 2in (51mm). High-strength plastic vessel with 9.38in (238mm) I.D. has four metal clamps and an O-Ring seal to prevent leakage. An adjustable valve controls water level, and a perorated plastic shelf is included. The shelf supports three 4in (102mm) specimens. Overall dimensions: 10.75x13.3in (273x338mm), Dia.xH. Est. Ship Wt.: 15lb"

