
传感器enDAQ 系列紧凑型独立冲击、振动和环境传感器方便、适应性强且可靠,可在几乎任何环境中实现快速、简便、精确且经济高效的冲击和振动测量和分析。产品发布我们所有的传感器,包括最近发布的支持Wi-Fi的W系列,都可以利用免费的enDAQ云平台。软件我们提供了四种不同的软件包来帮助配置我们的设备和分析数据——全部免费。每个软件包互为补充,我们建议探索所有的软件包。enDAQ云平台是我们的最新产品,用户可以上传、访问和共享原始数据,无需网关。服务我们的传感器、软件和出色的支持使数据采集和分析比以往更加方便,但有时仍然需要专家的一点帮助。我们提供各种专业服务,包括前往您的站点获取数据、分析数据,甚至开发定制硬件或软件来满足您的应用要求或规格。
  • enDAQ S3-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    传感器安装:Screw or Double Sided Tape ;Adhesive Base;Stud or Bolt-on
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S5-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S3-E500D40 冲击传感器

    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-R2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-R500D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-R2000D40 冲击传感器

    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-R500D40 冲击传感器

    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 500 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S2-D40D200 冲击传感器

    传感器安装:Screw or Double Sided Tape ;Adhesive Base;Stud or Bolt-on
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大加速度:40 to 200 g
    频率范围:3200 to 4000 Hz
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ S4-E100D40 冲击传感器

    传感器输出:Acceleration; Temperature; Pressure, Humidity, Light
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    最大加速度:40 to 100 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S3-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    特征:Battery Powered
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S4-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors
  • enDAQ Vibration Solutions S5-E2000D40 冲击传感器

    最大加速度:40 to 2000 g
    频率范围:4000 to 20000 Hz
    特征:Battery Powered
    最大冲击:3000 g
    工作温度:14 to 176 F (-10 to 80 C)
    产品形式:Sensor or Transducer
    传感器安装:Adhesive (optional feature); Stud/Bolt (optional feature); Screw or Double Sided Tape
    产品类别:Shock and Impact Sensors

