
Malvern Panalytical 马尔文帕纳科
马尔文帕纳科(Malvern Panalytical Ltd),隶属于上海思百吉仪器系统有限公司,英国 Malvern Panalytical technologies 已被众多行业和组织的科学家和工程师所采用,以解决与更大化生产率,开发更高质量的产品并使它们更快地投放市场有关的挑战。创建创新,以客户为导向的解决方案和服务,以通过材料的化学,物理和结构分析来提升效率并带来切实的经济影响。凭借广泛的行业知识以及技术和应用知识,Malvern Panalytical仪器旨在帮助用户更好地理解各种各样的材料,从蛋白质和聚合物,颗粒的悬浮液和乳液,到喷雾剂和气雾剂,工业散装粉末,矿物和高浓浆以及固体,例如金属和建筑材料,塑料和聚合物。MALVERN的技术能够测量参数,包括粒径,形状和浓度,化学特性,zeta电位,蛋白质电荷,分子量,质量和构象,生物分子相互作用和稳定性,流变特性,元素浓度和晶体结构。这些特性的高度可靠和强大的表征对于预测产品在使用过程中的行为,优化其性能和实现高的效率制造至关重要。 MALVERN主要产品:激光衍射粒度分析仪、台式X射线衍射仪、光谱仪和光谱辐射仪、XRF,AA和ICP样品制备、多功能X射线衍射仪、在线过程粒度分析仪、等温滴定热量计、差示扫描量热仪、图像分析仪和拉曼光谱、颗粒和分子大小/电荷分析仪、晶圆分析仪、配件、中量自动分散装置、大体积湿样品分散液、干样品分散配件、弹性体积湿分散
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. Kinexus Ultra 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Handheld, Portable or Field; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software
    技术/试验方法 :Rotational; Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:3.00E-6 to 250 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. RH2100 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Inks, Ceramics
    技术/试验方法 :Capillary; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate
    产品类别 :Rheometers
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. RH2200 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Inks, Ceramics
    技术/试验方法 :Capillary; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate
    产品类别 :Rheometers
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. DSRII 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate; Stress Rheometer; Stable Temperature Control
    产品类别 :Rheometers
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. CVO 100 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Rotational; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate; Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:5.00E-4 to 100 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. RH10 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Inks, Ceramics
    技术/试验方法 :Capillary; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate
    产品类别 :Rheometers
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. RH7 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Inks, Ceramics
    技术/试验方法 :Capillary; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate
    产品类别 :Rheometers
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. Bohlin Gemini 150 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer; Rotonetic™ 2
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:5.00E-5 to 150 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. Bohlin Gemini 200 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer; Rotonetic™ 2
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:5.00E-5 to 200 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. Bohlin Gemini HR Nano 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer; Rotonetic™ 2
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:3.00E-6 to 200 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. C-VOR 150 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Rotational; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate; Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:1.00E-4 to 150 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. C-VOR 200 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Adhesives; Cosmetics; Chemical Processing; Food and Beverage; Pharmaceutical; Plastics; Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Rotational; Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate; Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:1.00E-4 to 200 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. ADS 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Benchtop or Laboratory; SPC or Application Software; Temperature Measurement
    行业/应用 :Asphalt
    技术/试验方法 :Controlled Strain (Shear) Rate; Stress Rheometer; Stable Temperature Control
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:? to 120 mN-m
  • Malvern Instruments, Inc. Kinexus Pro 流变仪

    显示和特殊功能:Handheld, Portable or Field; PC Interface / Networkable; SPC or Application Software
    技术/试验方法 :Rotational; Controlled Strain; Stress Rheometer
    产品类别 :Rheometers
    扭矩范围:5.00E-5 to 200 mN-m

