Wayne Kerr Electronics 6550P 数字电阻表

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  • 6550P

  • 数字电阻表

  • Wayne Kerr Electronics

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  • Wayne Kerr Electronics


Accuracy and versatility makes the HF LCR Meters the ideal choice for many different tasks and applications in manufacturing and test. The wide range of frequency specifications means that a model can be selected that best meets application requirements and within budget.","Measurement parameters","Capacitance (C) Inductance (L) Resistance (R) Reactance (X) Conductance (G) Susceptance (B) Dissipation Factor (D) Quality Factor (Q) Impedance (Z) Admittance (Y) Phase Angle (Ø)","High measurement accuracy","Capacitance, inductance and impedance basic accuracy is an excellent ±0.05%. Dissipation factor accuracy is ±0.0005 and the quality factor accuracy is ±0.05%.","Variable drive and bias levels","AC drive levels up to 1V or 20mA can be selected to evaluate components in realistic operating environments.","The \/D1 DC bias option provides 0 to +40V dc bias voltage and 0 to +100mA dc bias current while the \/D2 option provides -40V to +40V dc bias voltage.","External control","The GPIB interface is used to control the instrument and read back measured values for applications such as quality control or for archiving purposes.","An Ethernet interface similarly allows the instrument to be controlled and to send out data - allowing it to be integrated into many test environments.","Wide range of interfaces","An external monitor or projector may be connected to the instrument's VGA output. The ability to provide a large screen display is invaluable in production environments or for teaching and training.","Instrument control from both a keyboard and mouse is available. Any keyboard or mouse, with either PS\/2 or USB interfaces, can be simply connected to provide an alternative method of instrument control and operation.","Data storage and retrieval","All measurement and setup data can be stored using the Ethernet interface or a USB flash memory (supplied as standard).","Setup data","Up to 20 instrument setups may be stored locally.","Bin handling","The \/B1 option (non-isolated 5V) or \/B2 option (isolated 24V) signals are available through a 25-way D-type connector. 10 bins can be set using absolute or percentage limits.","Printer outputs","Hard copy printouts can be obtained in a number of ways including direct to an HP-PCL compatible graphics printer or Epson compatible text\/ticket printer. A networked HP-PCL compatible printer may also be used via Ethernet connection.","Component connections","Four front panel BNC connectors permit three or four terminal connections with the screens at ground potential.","The 1J1011 component fixture, supplied as standard, ensures optimum performance when measuring a wide range of components of leaded components and devices.","1J1012 (2 Terminal) and 1J1014 (4 Terminal) fixtures allow connection to surface mount devices.","Protection against charged capacitors","High precision measuring instruments can be damaged by charged capacitors which can cause costly repairs and unacceptable downtime. All the models in the range incorporate protection against charged capacitors.","Comprehensive and precise component tests at higher frequencies","The 6500P series capabilities are best summarised by Comprehensive and precise component tests at higher frequencies. The instruments are the perfect solution for those who have demanding component measurement needs.

6550P 数字电阻表技术参数

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特 性
带宽 20 to 5.00E7 Hz
特征 Programmable
连 接 & 显 示
输出接口 Universal Serial Bus; GPIB; LAN
环 境
工作温度 0.0 to 40 C (32 to 104 F)
物 理
外观形式 Bench top
产品类别 Digital Resistance Meters


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