Myron L 麦隆 AG-5 水质检测仪器

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  • AG-5

  • 水质检测仪器

  • Myron L 麦隆

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  • Myron L 麦隆


" AG6\/PH FEATURES","AG-5 FEATURES","Plant health can be greatly affected by pH (acidic or basic), salinity (soluble salts), and alkalinity, yet these factors are often ignored by growers. It is easy to test for these three important parameters using a portable MyronL AGRI-METER with Soil Test Kit.","SOILS","Optimum soil pH is essential for obtaining maximum efficiency from fertilizers and herbicides","This is especially true for artificial growing media which, without buffering capability, are much more pH sensitive than natural soil. In addition, the pH of artificial soils can vary greatly when new, and must be adjusted (leached) before use.","Dissolved salts (salinity) in soil must also be monitored to guarantee healthy plants. Salt build-up in soil can be due to high TDS (total dissolved solids) in water, excess fertilizer, or poor drainage. Each plant has its own salinity tolerance level. If excessive salts accumulate in the soil, roots will take in little or no soil solution, resulting in reduced plant growth and quality.","Using a Myron L® Model AG6\/PH for checking soil salinity and pH is easy. Simply mix one part soil with two parts pure water in the vials provided with the Soil Test Kit. Some organic media, such as peat moss, need a 5:1 water: soil dilution ratio. Only a heaping tablespoon of soil is required. Agitate container vigorously. Let settle for 45-60 minutes and decant the water into the instrument cell cup. Push buttons to read directly in millimhos\/conductivity (salinity) and soil pH.","FERTILIZER SOLUTIONS","Regular testing of conductivity insures that fertilizer solutions will contain the optimum level of salinity for maximum plant health and growth. If a fertilizer injection system is used, it can be easily checked with an AGRI-METER by taking a sample solution as it comes out of the end of the hose or spaghetti irrigation tubes. Proper adjustment of the fertilizer injector can prevent these common problems: over or under feeding, plant damage and fertilizer waste.","WATER","Water pH can vary greatly from month to month because of rainfall effect on the aquifer. Irrigation water, if high in soluble salts, can increase soil salinity causing plant damage. AGRI-METER tests water pH and salinity easily and quickly, and readings are given directly in millimhos\/conductivity.","The correct pH of water used in pesticide solutions is also important in order to insure maximum effectiveness and prevent pesticide break down."


  • Checks soil pH and salinity
  • Checks water pH and salinity
  • Checks correct fertilizer concentration
  • Checks boiler water conductivity
  • Automatic temperature compensation means no thermometers or adjustments
  • Only small amount of soil needed for tests
  • For testing conductivity/salinity only
  • Budget priced

AG-5 水质检测仪器技术参数

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连 接 & 显 示
显示类型 Analog
用户控件 Manual Operation
物 理
外观形式 Lab / Benchtop; In-situ / Field
电导率范围 0.0 to 5000 µS/cm
特性和功能 Battery Powered
仪器特性 Automatic Temperature Compensation
产品类别 Water Quality Testing Instruments
水质参数 Water Quality Measurement Instrument; Measures Conductivity / Dissolved Solids


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AG-5 水质检测仪器资源附件
文件名称 大小 操作
Agri_meter_ds 266.63 KB





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