Ultra Energy CMS Interlock SIL Monitor 辐射探测器

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  • CMS Interlock SIL Monitor

  • 辐射探测器

  • Ultra Energy

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  • Ultra Energy


• Fast alarm • Simple\/Safe hardware only safeguard monitor • IEC 61508 compliant: SIL 2 independently certified by SIRA and CASS • Proven detectors and amplifier electronics","The CMS Interlock SIL is a safety-related gamma monitor intended to be installed in areas where interlock control is required to restrict access to high dose areas.","The device may be used with a range of sensor options including GM, Ion chamber and Scintillator. Typical applications include the use within accelerator facilities or nuclear cell containment areas where high levels of activity are present. The CMS Interlock SIL is based on the standard Ultra Electronics area monitor, the CMS. While retaining all the features and functionality of the CMS, the CMS Interlock SIL also includes an additional counting circuit called the SIL Safeguard Monitor (SSM). The SSM works in parallel with the CMS and provides safety-related interlock relays.","SSM and IEC61508 This SSM has been designed, manufactured, commissioned and is maintained to IEC61508. The SSM is also the first of its type to achieve SIRA and CASS independent product certification. The monitor offers fast alarm, security of operation and SIL 2 compliance on the system relay outputs.","Housed within a rugged stainless steel enclosure, the CMS element provides an indication of dose equivalent levels via a large LCD. Fault conditions are controlled by the SSM, providing the high level and fault alarms.","SIL 2 Alarm The monitor has two SIL 2 Alarms (high and fail alarm). The ‘high’ alarm is triggered when the ambient radiation level exceeds the preset threshold. The ‘fail’ alarm is set when the count-rate falls below the preset level for the detector (detector in failure).","Outputs and Communications External connections to the CMS Interlock SIL are via a separate but integral terminal box at the base of the instrument. The unit contains two external relays, one for the alarm and one for the fault function. Each relay contains three sets of contacts, two 2 pole change-over a one single pole N\/O contact set. NB: Relays operate in the fail-safe mode; energized during normal operations; SIL 2 compliant.","The separate termination box is provided to isolate external terminations from the main instrument electronics to ensure SIL 2 integrity is maintained during the installation process.","Dose Rate Indicators The monitor’s LCD display with LED backlighting provides two separate indications of dose rate. One is an analog vertical graph representing the percentage of the alarm level selected and the second is a numerical indication.","Calibration The CMS Interlock SIL monitor can be calibrated using a suitable gamma source providing a traceable dose rate. Ultra Electronics can supply details of calibration sources if required.","Self Test Facilities The CMS SIL Interlock continuously self monitors for faults. Conditions checked include : • Detector failure • Power failure","The occurrence of any of these conditions will cause the failure condition and trip the Fault Relay. The nature of the fault will be displayed on the LCD.","Visual Alarms A visual indication is provided in the form of a red LED for SSM failure and alarm. Failure indications include mains failure and SSM failure. The type of failure is also displayed on the LCD screen.","It is also possible to provide attention, alert and alarm visual indications for the CMS portion of the Interlock SIL monitor via red and green LEDs located on the front panel.

CMS Interlock SIL Monitor 辐射探测器技术参数

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特 性
探测器输出 Dose Rate
输出选项 Switch or Alarm
连 接 & 显 示
本地接口 Digital Front Panel
计算机接口选项 Serial
显示选项 Video Display
环 境
工作温度 14 to 122 F (-10 to 50 C)
探测器形式 Fixed Installation
辐射探测器类型 Dosimeter
计算机接口 Computer Interface (optional feature)
剂量率 0.01 - 1000 rem/hr
特征 Visual Alarm/Indicator
产品类别 Radiation Detectors
监测类型 For Area Monitoring
检测到的电离辐射类型 Gamma Ray


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