TSI Incorporated 5210-1 质量流量计和控制器

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  • 5210-1

  • 质量流量计和控制器

  • TSI Incorporated

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  • TSI Incorporated



  • 3/8 inch and 1/4 inch inlet filters
  • 带通用插头的交流适配器
  • USB-C to USB-A power/communications cable
  • usb集线器电缆
  • 3/8 inch, 1/4 inch, and 10mm tube ends
  • 3/8英寸和1/4英寸管子(4英寸件)
  • 温度和压力补偿的质量流量
  • 4毫秒双向流响应
  • High accuracy (± 2% of reading)
  • 低的压降使背压最小化
  • 宽动态工作范围(1000:1调节比)
  • 其他测量包括压差、体积(带有触发器)、温度、绝对压力和累加器
  • 2.8英寸彩色触摸屏操作
  • 同时显示四个测量参数
  • 任何参数的日志数据
  • 可配置管端连接器
  • usb电源和数据通信
  • 10 Point NIST-traceable Calibration Certificate included
  • Includes basic FLO-Sight™ PC software
  • 3/8英寸和1/4英寸管材(4英寸件)
  • 温度和压力补偿质量流量
  • 低压降使背压最小化
  • 四个测量参数同时显示

Range: 0 to ± 30 Std L\/minAccuracy: 2% of readingCalibration: Air, N2Includes Standard Accessory Kit","The TSI Mass Flow Multi-Meter 5210-1 provides a bi-directional flow rate measurement with 2% of reading accuracy across a wide flow range. Integrated temperature and pressure sensors compensate flow measurements to provide mass flow readings independent of temperature or pressure. In addition to temperature and absolute pressure measurements, a built-in totalizer measurement enables users to make volume measurements as a running total. All 5200 Series models come with a standard accessory kit (see full list below).","Flow Multi-Meter advanced functionality","5210 models include a differential pressure sensor that enables users to measure the pressure differential of flows at the flow meter or at any point in the line. In addition to the totalizer, these models can make precise volume measurements through the use of flow or pressure triggers. 5210 models also include a built-in data logger that can save synchronized measurement data directly to the flow meter.","Easy to operate","View up to four readings simultaneously from the color touchscreen display. Quickly and easily configure measurements and device settings directly from the flow meter. Connect and operate the gas flow meter through your PC with FLO-Sight software to take advantage of advanced data display and device settings options.","Fits your application","TSI Flow Meters are lightweight, compact, and can measure across a wide dynamic operating range. The 5000 Series Flow Meter also incorporates configurable tube end adapters, touchscreen control, and multiple mounting options. Whether measuring gas flows in a laboratory, manufacturing, or service setting, the 5000 Series Flow Meter can adapt to fit your unique application.","Proven performance","5000 Series Flow Meters utilize a proprietary platinum film sensor with proven performance that’s been relied upon for more than 35 years. The TSI flow sensor design is optimized for applications where high accuracy, fast response, and low pressure drop are performance musts. Fast sensor response ensures accuracy in fluctuating flows and is ideal for closed-loop control systems and integrated volume measurements. The low pressure drop of TSI flow meters minimizes flow circuit back pressure and its impact on the system.","Includes our Standard Accessory Kit:","Features & Benefits

5210-1 质量流量计和控制器技术参数

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性 能
质量流量 0.0 to 0.0826 lbs/min (0.0 to 0.0022 metric tons/hr)
特 性
介质类型 Gas
仪表形式 Mass Flow Meter
产品类别 Mass Flow Meters and Controllers


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