Most ultrasonic sensors are based on the principle of measuring the propagation time of sound in the air. Ultrasonic frequencies outside the range of human hearing are emitted by the sensor. Sonic energy reflected by an object or target is picked up by the sensor’s receiver.","The highly integrated and extremely powerful Baumer sensors are capable of sensing objects irrespective of their color, surface properties or transparency and of measuring the distance from the sensor to a target. Ultrasonic sensors are extremely resistant to dirt. They are not impaired by dust, smoke, vapors or other contaminants.
UZDK 30 (2000 mm) 超声波接近传感器技术参数
规格项 | 参数值 | 勾选搜索替代 |
特 性 | ||
开关形式 | Normally Open | |
工作距离 | 7.87 to 78.74 inch (200 to 2000 mm) | |
环 境 | ||
工作温度 | -10 to 60 F (-23.33 to 15.56 C) | |
物 理 | ||
主体形状 | Rectangular | |
更多规格 | ||
输出负载 | DC Load; 3-Wire PNP | |
长度 | 2.56 inch (65 mm) | |
宽度 | 1.18 inch (30 mm) | |
产品类别 | Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors | |
电气连接 | Fixed Cable | |
直径 | 1.18 inch (30 mm) |