JOKAB SAFETY 是瑞典 ABB 旗下品牌,提供了一个广泛的创新产品和解决方案的机器安全系统,有很大的实际应用的经验从当局和生产安全要求和标准。在机器安全标准化组织表示,日常工作与安全要求结合生产的实际应用需求;提供从一个单一的机器安全解决方案来完成安全系统或整个生产线;提供一个完整的范围的安全产品,为了使您的计算机安全系统容易构建。我们不断开发这些创新产品,在与客户的合作。我们以优质、智能的机器安全产品开发和支持世界.经验我们在实际应用安全要求和安全标准方面有着丰富的经验。我们在国际机器安全标准化组织中有代表性,我们每天都在实际应用安全要求和生产要求。 系统我们提供从单一的安全解决方案到完整的安全系统的单一机器或整个生产线。 产品我们提供广泛的安全产品,设计使您的机器安全系统易于建立和维护。主要安全产品可编程安全控制器     安全控制器     安全继电器     安全传感器、开关和锁    光学安全装置   紧急停留和驾驶装置   安全控制装置   压力敏感装置   配件关于 ABB 集团ABB 品牌历史在瑞士,ABB是一个令人自豪品牌,她凭借着深厚的历史积累,成长成为世界500强公司。回顾ABB的历史,拥有辉煌的成绩。例如他发明并生产了世界上第一台三相输电系统、世界上第一台自冷式变压器以及第一台电动工业机器人。关于ABB最早可以追溯到两家公司,他们分别是瑞典的 ASEA AB 和瑞士的 BBC Brown Boveri,他们分别成立于1883年和1891年。ABB 品牌现状目前,ABB是全球电力和自动化技术领域的领导企业,致力于为电力、工业、交通和基础设施客户提供解决方案,帮助客户提高生产效率和能源效率,同时降低对环境的不良影响。更是世界500强企业,2018年7月,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,瑞士ABB集团在"2018年《财富》世界500强"中排行第341位。ABB经营范围ABB旗下设有五大业务部门,其中分别为:1. 电力产品部;2. 电力系统部;3. 离散自动化与运动控制部;4. 低压产品部;5. 过程自动化部。旗下产品包括互感器和传感器、开关设备及马达控制开关设备,力度测量、工艺分析、分析仪器,风力涡轮发电机、危险区域用电动机、同步电动机,开关类产品、开关插座、电网质量产品、电缆配线箱,互感器、气体绝缘、电容器等众多产品。
  • ABB JOKAB SAFETY 佳可宝 Quick-Guard® Safety Fencing System 周界围栏

    "Quick-Guard® Modular Panels are available in two versions: Quick-Guard S, and Quick-Guard E. The two versions can be used individually or combined if desired. The fencing systems are also easy to adjust when production equipment is modified and\/or moved. Quick-Guard E is engineered to be installed quickly and cost effectively, because it consists of a minimum of components that include aluminum profile fence posts with floor brackets, patented net-locks, fastening brackets, u-profiles and welded mesh or polycarbonate panels. All parts for Quick-Guard® and pre-assembled doors are delivered immediately from stock. The few components of the fencing system make it easy for you to custom build and install the fencing system onsite at your facility.","The strength of the fencing system comes from the fact that the welded mesh and\/or panels of polycarbonate are locked into the profile. The outer wire of the mesh is locked in profile fence posts by uniquely designed netlocks, making the panel virtually as strong as being welded. The polycarbonate panels are locked in with specially designed infill-locks which, according to our tests, have been as strong as the mesh net-lock system. If you want additional strength, you can choose a sturdier profile measuring 44 x 88 mm instead of the standard 44 x 44 mm profile.","Combining Quick-Guard E and Quick-Guard S is easy to do and enables you to make the system work for your application. Each of the panels and posts use standard ABB JOKAB SAFETY hardware, and will fit together seamlessly. Further customize your safety fence by adding standard ABB JOKAB SAFETY accessories from the catalog - all of the parts will work together with ease. Quick-Guard Modular Safety fencing panels reduce high labor and engineering costs because the panels are already designed and come partially assembled with all of the necessary fittings. Mesh can easily be cut down with bolt cutters to fit your application, or as production equipment is modified or moved. Quick-Guard® is environmentally friendly. All components in the fencing system can easily be disassembled and reused. All materials in the Fencing System are 100% recyclable."

