How Construction Mapping Software Increases Profit Margins


Illustration: © IoT For All

With $30 trillion in projected spending by 2030, declining project productivity, and low tech adoption – the construction industry is due for a technology overhaul. From small hand-held devices to enterprise-level software, there is a huge range of technology options available to modern construction organizations, including construction mapping software.

'To be genuinely useful for construction projects, software must reflect the physical world.' -UnearthClick To Tweet

This post will focus on construction mapping software. We’ll explore the issues with past construction project management platforms, how mapping software can help to boost productivity across the board, and how to procure a platform that best addresses your organization’s needs.

Declining Construction Productivity and How Technology Can Help

Productivity problems waste time and resources.

McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) found that the construction industry could boost its value by $1.6 trillion globally by bringing its productivity up to speed. Notably, 70 percent of megaprojects are at least 40 percent late.

When builds experience consistent delays – due to rework, duplicative processes, and poor communication – the negative financial impact can be significant. For example, Westinghouse, a nuclear power company, declared bankruptcy after continual delays and cost overruns on nuclear power plant projects put them deep in the red.

But what causes poor productivity?

Effective Project Management Can Significantly Improve Productivity

A review of the research has revealed the following:

“Through our analysis of more than $1 trillion worth of capital projects over the past five years, we have found that improving basic project-management skills offers the most potential to improving site performance.” -McKinsey Global Institute

“The majority of recommendations [for increasing productivity] involved improving various aspects of project management, including planning, communications, supervision, and personnel and manpower practices.” -The National Academies Press

With this in mind, project management software is key.

However, not all project management software will solve all problems. Using the wrong software can even create issues. The right software can make your life easier and your business more effective. It must be built with the construction industry’s needs in mind.

Effective Project Management Software Requires a Map

Construction project management software should do three things well:

  1. Simplify processes
  2. Document progress
  3. Decrease project duration

Unfortunately, most software falls short of these goals.

Because construction is a physical process tied to a specific location, organizing as you would for other industries – by name, date, or file number – doesn’t work. To be truly effective, construction software must be organized by location using a map-based platform.

Digital Maps are the Future of Construction Project Management

Maps are incredibly powerful tools. Columbus won funding for his voyage to America with a world map. The Waterloo Map helped the British defeat Napoleon, and a series of top secret maps contributed to the allied victory on D-Day. Not only are maps still used in 2022, but they are also a crucial part of our daily lives. With over one billion monthly users, Google Maps stands as the prime example. 

To be genuinely useful for construction projects, software must reflect the physical world.

Mapping Software Increases Transparency and Enables Trust

Contractors and owners live in a culture of mistrust – further degrading project productivity.

Owners have limited information about what’s going on at their build sites, so when a contractor changes the bid, owners are left to wonder if the changes were necessary. For contractors, this means jumping through hoops and documenting everything to prove that they are operating by the book.

One underlying issue is that owners don’t have a simple overview of their projects. Another is that documents and verbal reports are up to interpretation and thereby easy to dispute.

Create Trust by Providing Easily Accessible Visual Documentation

With an overhead view of the job site, owners can track their projects with ease. With a location-based organization, contractors can document work quickly and accurately.

Moreover, location-based visual records break the reliance on written documents. In the event of a dispute, all stakeholders will have access to photographic evidence, accurate measurements, and geo-referenced blueprints.

With less to interpret, there’s less to dispute. Communication, trust, and understanding all increase when everyone has access to the same database of digital data.

Decrease Rework with Real-time Data Sharing and Communication

A study done by the Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences reports that 30 percent of the work done by construction companies is rework. Another study reports that rework can cost up to 5 percent of the total project value. For projects valued in the millions, even 5 percent is a significant sum.

Rework has many causes: unclear instructions, slow design, poor documentation, unrealistic timelines, and simple human error to name just a few.

Map-based software solves many of these issues. It speeds up communication, organizes documentation, and provides quick access to vital information.

Process and Store Data Collected in the Field by Connecting Hardware and Software

For software and hardware to work together effectively, two things need to be true:

1. Hardware must be reliable, user-friendly, and cost-effective.

2. Software must be able to import and organize data captured by hardware.

Sensors, drones, mobile devices, and self-guided machinery produce massive amounts of data.

Construction software must be able to collect and display this data effectively. Instead of burying this data in dense folder systems, you can layer, sort, and filter this information on a map for a context-rich record of your project.

A Quickstart Guide to Buying Construction Mapping Software

As you start exploring your software options, here are four questions you should consider:

What Are Your Pain Points?

Consider the most frustrating, complicated, or expensive part of your workday. Create a list of these issues and use that for reference.

What’s Too Expensive?

Construction mapping software allows you to organize and track expenditures, giving you the information you need to expand profit margins and compete effectively.

What Needs Improvement?

Maybe you just want to streamline your operation and expand project capacity. Consider aspects of your business that may be limiting growth.

Who Needs Access?

Many software companies charge per user. If you want to bring on your entire organization, find a platform with an open licensing structure.

6 Steps for Purchasing Mapping Software

1. Do Your Research

Identify your needs and create a spreadsheet listing ideal features. Research your options and take notes on how each product addresses your wishlist.

2. Talk to Your Team

Don’t skip this step! If your team doesn’t like the software, they won’t use it effectively – no matter what features are offered.

3. Get an Online Demo

Don’t pay for software until you see it in action. Request demos from each company. Ask them to walk you through, explain relevant features, and create a quote. Better yet, see if software providers offer a free trial, so you can take the software for a spin yourself.

4. Do a Cost/Benefit Analysis

By now you should have narrowed your search to two good options. Analyze the cost and estimated savings to see which software will offer the most value.

5. Run It By Your Team Again

Get feedback about the final two options. Remember, if your team doesn’t like the software they won’t use it to its full capacity, decreasing any potential benefits.

6. Try the Software on a Test Project

Test runs are essential. They allow you to troubleshoot issues in a controlled, low-stakes environment. Roll out your new software on one project. Watch how your team interacts with it and make sure it performs as expected.

With success, you can then expand across multiple projects. You may also have feature requests that you can pass along to the software provider as that relationship grows.

Ultimately, if you’re like the contractors we’ve spoken with, you’ll see the value of mapping software affect the bottom line – your profit margins.





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  • Construction
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  • Government and Cities
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到2030年,建筑行业预计将投入30万亿美元,项目生产率不断下降,技术采用程度较低,因此该进行技术革新了。从小型手持设备到企业级软件,现代施工组织有大量的技术选择,包括施工地图软件。这篇文章将专注于建筑制图软件。我们将探讨过去建设项目管理平台的问题,地图软件如何帮助提高生产力,以及如何获得一个最能满足您组织需求的平台。生产力问题浪费时间和资源。麦肯锡全球研究所(MGI)发现,通过提高生产率,建筑业可以在全球范围内增加1.6万亿美元的价值。值得注意的是,70%的大型项目至少有40%的延迟。当构建经历持续的延迟时——由于返工、重复的过程和糟糕的沟通——负面的财务影响可能是显著的。例如,西屋(Westinghouse),一家核能公司,在核电站项目持续拖延和成本超支后宣布破产,使其陷入严重亏损。但是是什么导致了生产力低下呢?回顾这项研究,我们发现:“通过对过去五年价值超过1万亿美元的资本项目的分析,我们发现,提高基本的项目管理技能是提高现场绩效的最大潜力。”麦肯锡全球研究所“(提高生产力)的大多数建议涉及改善项目管理的各个方面,包括计划、沟通、监督以及人事和人力实践。”-美国国家科学院出版社考虑到这一点,项目管理软件是关键。然而,并不是所有的项目管理软件都能解决所有的问题。使用错误的软件甚至会产生问题。正确的软件可以使您的生活更轻松,业务更有效。它必须考虑到建筑业的需求。建筑项目管理软件应该做好三件事:不幸的是,大多数软件都达不到这些目标。因为建筑是一个与特定地点联系在一起的物理过程,像其他行业那样组织——通过名称、日期或文件编号——是行不通的。为了真正有效,建筑软件必须使用基于地图的平台按位置组织。地图是非常强大的工具。哥伦布为他的美洲之旅赢得了一份世界地图。滑铁卢地图帮助英国打败了拿破仑,一系列绝密地图为盟军在诺曼底登陆日的胜利做出了贡献。到2022年,地图不仅仍在使用,而且还是我们日常生活的重要组成部分。谷歌Maps的月用户超过10亿,就是一个典型的例子。为了真正对建筑项目有用,软件必须反映物理世界。承包商和业主生活在不信任的文化中,这进一步降低了项目的生产力。业主对建筑工地的情况了解有限,所以当承包商改变报价时,业主就会考虑这些改变是否有必要。对于承包商来说,这意味着要越过重重障碍,记录所有的事情,以证明他们是按规定操作的。一个潜在的问题是,业主对他们的项目没有一个简单的概述。另一个原因是,文件和口头报告需要解释,因此很容易引起争议。有了工作现场的俯瞰视图,业主可以轻松跟踪他们的项目。对于基于位置的组织,承包商可以快速准确地记录工作。此外,基于位置的视觉记录打破了对书面文件的依赖。在发生争议时,所有利益相关者都将获得摄影证据、准确的测量和地理参考蓝图。 解释越少,争论就越少。当每个人都能访问相同的数字数据库时,沟通、信任和理解都会增加。《地中海社会科学杂志》的一项研究报告称,建筑公司完成的工作中有30%是返工。另一项研究报告指出,返工成本可能高达项目总价值的5%。对于价值数百万美元的项目来说,5%也是一笔不小的数目。返工的原因有很多:不清楚的指令、缓慢的设计、糟糕的文档、不现实的时间线,以及简单的人为错误等等。基于地图的软件解决了其中的许多问题。它加快了沟通,组织文档,并提供对重要信息的快速访问。为了让软件和硬件能够有效地协同工作,需要做到两件事:硬件必须是可靠的、用户友好的和具有成本效益的。软件必须能够导入和组织硬件捕获的数据。传感器、无人机、移动设备和自主导航机械都会产生大量的数据。建筑软件必须能够有效地收集和显示这些数据。您可以在地图上对这些信息进行分层、排序和筛选,以获得项目的上下文丰富的记录,而不是将这些数据隐藏在密集的文件夹系统中。当你开始探索你的软件选择时,这里有四个问题你应该考虑:考虑你工作中最令人沮丧、最复杂或最昂贵的部分。创建一个这些问题的列表,并使用它作为参考。建筑地图软件允许您组织和跟踪支出,给您所需的信息,以扩大利润空间和有效竞争。也许你只是想简化你的操作和扩大项目的能力。考虑你的业务可能会限制增长的方面。许多软件公司按用户收费。如果你想让你的整个组织都参与进来,那就找一个具有开放许可结构的平台。确定您的需求,并创建一个电子表格列出理想的功能。研究一下你的选择,并记录下每个产品是如何满足你的愿望的。不要跳过这一步!如果你的团队不喜欢这个软件,他们就不会有效地使用它——不管它提供了什么功能。在看到实际应用之前不要为软件付费。向每个公司请求演示。让他们带你走一遍,解释相关功能,并创建一个报价。更好的办法是,看看软件供应商是否提供免费试用,这样你就可以自己试用软件了。现在你应该已经把搜索范围缩小到两个不错的选择了。分析成本和节省的估计,看看哪个软件将提供最大的价值。获取关于最后两个选项的反馈。记住,如果您的团队不喜欢这个软件,他们就不会充分利用它,从而减少任何潜在的好处。测试运行是必不可少的。它们允许您在可控的、低风险的环境中排除问题。在一个项目中推出你的新软件。观察您的团队如何与它交互,并确保它按预期执行。成功之后,您就可以扩展到多个项目。随着关系的发展,您还可以将一些特性请求传递给软件供应商。最终,如果你像我们所谈过的承包商一样,你会发现测绘软件的价值影响了你的底线——你的利润空间。
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SOCOMEC 溯高美索克曼 DIRIS A60 数字电流表

所有这些信息都可以使用分析软件进行远程分析,该软件免费提供,并可从SOCOMEC网站www.SOCOMEC.com下载。管理软件、•可选以太网模块,带web服务器功能:用于测量监测,在没有特定软件(web浏览器访问)的情况下远程利用数据和导出负载曲线。•分析软件:用于分析事件数据,以提高电气安装的可靠性。•简易配置软件:用于快速轻松的远程设备配置;配置文件可以从DIRIS A60复制并发送到dirisa60,也可以在不通信的情况下创建配置文件并在以后发送。,符合标准EN 50160,EN 50160是一个定义与电网质量相关事件的标准。DIRIS A60根据本标准捕获电压事件。

KROHNE 科隆 Artikel-Nr. 头部发射器

编程可以通过PC机或Profibus网络上的Krohne/Inov软件ProfiSoft完成。TT 60 C主要设计用于安装在符合DIN EN 50446标准的B型连接头或更大。

Visual Sound VA-8600c 音频放大器和前置放大器

它可以支持多达8个放大器卡,这些卡是单独的软件配置,从100-600瓦到2400瓦的功率每个底盘。70V、100V和低阻抗输出可通过软件选择每个卡。直观的软件通过PC提供音频系统设计。VA-8600c后面板上的两个RJ45连接器提供冗余连接,通过一根以太网电缆控制数据和音频。作为Vocia系统的一部分,VA-8600c符合EN 54-16标准,适用于各种规模的设施。模块化放大器应专门设计用于Biamp® Vocia系统。放大器应提供前面板LED识别放大器和卡故障、信号存在、卡夹存在、风扇卡死转子故障、散热器温度故障,并提供额外的软件监控功能,包括输出故障短路。放大器应通过EN54-16认证,CE标记,UL认证,并应符合RoHS指令。保修期为五年。放大器应为Vocia VA-8600c。

Hoyt Electrical Instrument Works 1824 LP 接地电阻测试仪

自动关闭\ / auto-ranging(软件范围)。Microporcessor控制。结合准短路电流、回路和接地测试仪。L-E和PSC之间的循环测试。电压测试L-N。EN\/IEC 61010-1 CAT III 3000V"

PMA TB40-100-0000D-D00 温度控制器

它特别设计用于温度过高或过低故障情况可能导致火灾或其他危险的所有应用场合,建筑物的供暖系统符合DIN EN 12828,大型热水锅炉符合DIN EN 12953-6,具有符合DIN 4754的有机热传递介质和符合• BluePort前端接口和BlueControl软件。•维护管理器和错误列表。•通过复位键重置报警。•通过数字重置报警。•型测试符合EN 14597和cULus输出类型=继电器供电电压=90-250 V ac尺寸=96 x 48(1\/8 DIN)mm输出数量=3最低工作温度=-20°C最高工作温度=+65°C温度范围

HT Instruments EQUITEST5071 接地电阻测试仪

,附加功能:,标准配件:,可选:,标准:,多功能安装测试EQUITEST5071模型主要是用来执行地球的安全验证等电位导体与测试电流> 10符合IEC \ / EN61557 VDE100和IEC \/ EN60204-1:2006指南(医疗房间和电机的安全)。每项测试都可储存在电脑的内部记忆体内,并使用提供的Windows软件下载到电脑上。

WIKA 威卡 46879562 RTD温度变送器

根据新的EMC标准(DIN EN 61326-2-3:2013)。夹紧范围大(0.14。2.5毫米u00b2,AWG 24。14) 一。通过新的WIKAsoft TT软件+MagWIK轻松配置。

PCE Instruments PCE-830-1 数字万用表


Fluke 福禄克 Fluke 88V&A 数字万用表

一个完整的汽车诊断软件包,包含您在汽车万用表中所需的一切 Fluke 88V已经取代了88。、TL224硅胶测试引线、AC285长距离鳄鱼夹、TP220测试探针、RPM 80便携式探头,配有两个手动探头,可手动进行温度检测,新的88V经过独立测试,符合第二版ANSI\/ISA S82.01和EN61010

MSA 梅思安 SUPREMATouch 气体仪器

SUPREMATouch已根据ATEX认证,适用于几乎所有安全相关应用,包括安全完整性等级(SIL)3级(EN 61508)的冗余系统。直观的SUPREMA Manager软件用于配置,超级火气控制器的参数化和校准。它提供了创建详细且布局清晰的报告的选项,以支持文档,并支持SuperMatouch的所有新功能。








