Atomation: Leveraging IoT to Make Legacy Equipment Smart


The first generation of “smart factories” increased their output, utilization and productivity by 10% over three years by adding Internet of Things (IoT) technologies according to a study by Deloitte and the Manufacturer’s Alliance for Productivity and Innovation. By 2022, those manufacturers expect productivity to increase to 12%.

Some context makes those numbers even more impressive. The study also shows that the annual U.S. labor productivity growth rate increased by just 0.7 percent between 2007 and 2018.

With those kinds of proven benefits, why isn’t every manufacturer going smart? In many cases, it’s because they assume it would be too difficult and too expensive to add IoT sensors, controllers and other devices to decades-old equipment.

Not so. Making legacy equipment smart with IoT doesn’t have to be a long, expensive, custom project. For instance, a global plant engineering firm that serves over 250 facilities added IoT sensors to monitor motor vibration and temperature on a variety of legacy equipment to enable predictive maintenance for its customers. Those customers save money because the sensors provide instant access to equipment status and health, eliminating the expense of periodic checkups that are unnecessary since everything is functioning normally.

The same benefits apply to other verticals with a lot of legacy equipment, such as electric utilities. One electric company added IoT sensors to its electric poles to quickly pinpoint damage and speed restoration. That information saves money because the crews no longer waste time driving miles of line in a hunt for the pole responsible for the outage.

Telit’s Cellular Modules Are the Right Combination of Flexibility, Affordability and Reliability

To enable their digital transformations, a plant engineering firm and an electric company turned to Atomation, a company specializing in IoT and edge computing for utilities, manufacturing and logistics. Unlike traditional supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control systems, Atomation’s solution doesn’t require specialized wiring and programming, saving time and money.

When Atomation wanted to add cellular connectivity to its portfolio to provide customers with additional flexibility, it selected Telit’s ME910 module. With downlink and uplink speeds of 300 kbps, the ME910 is designed for ultralow power consumption, moderate data rates and affordability. For example, the Atom devices are battery-powered, so a highly power-efficient module is critical for maximizing their service life.

Their cellular module is certified by large carriers around the world, including AT&T, Verizon and U.S. Cellular, which shortened product-to-market timelines for Atomation.

Eran Keshet, Atomation CTO

The ME910 also supports LTE Cat M1/NB1 under 3GPP Release 13 (Rel. 13). This standard is designed to meet the unique requirements that many IoT applications have. For example, Rel. 13 provides enhanced coverage, with up to +15 dB/+20 dB in maximum coupling loss compared to other cellular technologies. That helps ensure reliable connections with IoT devices even when they’re deep inside buildings or surrounded with metal equipment that attenuates signals.

The Telit module is a reliable and affordable solution for Atomation, we rely on the cellular expertise of Telit as we develop products, greatly reducing our development times and ensuring a fast product launch.

Guy Weitzman, Chief Platform Officer

Atomation also chose Telit OneEdge™, which simplifies the design, deployment and management of IoT solutions. The ME910 is preprovisioned with OneEdge software, then tested and network certified, making them ready to connect to the cloud once they’re activated at Atomation customer sites. OneEdge also lays the foundation for Atomation and its customers to migrate to 5G IoT solutions when they’re ready.

OneEdge also replaces traditional, physical SIM cards with software versions. These embedded SIMs make it easier for Atomation and its customers to switch between mobile operators and take advantage of better coverage or better rates. OneEdge also provides cryptographic-level security to protect the confidential data that many IoT applications use.

We came to Telit to solve our HTTP disconnection issues. In an hour, Telit OneEdge provided a fast analysis and a solution that required no R&D efforts. Moreover, with only five units, OneEdge has already saved us efforts with remote troubleshooting and solved issues encountered in the field.

Eran Keshet, Atomation CTO

根据德勤和制造商生产力和创新联盟的一项研究,通过添加物联网(IoT)技术,第一代“智能工厂”在三年内将其产量、利用率和生产率提高了10%。到2022年,这些制造商预计生产率将提高到12%。一些背景让这些数字更加令人印象深刻。该研究还显示,2007年至2018年,美国劳动生产率年增长率仅增长0.7%。既然已经证明了这些好处,为什么不是每个制造商都能做到智能化呢?在很多情况下,这是因为他们认为在几十年前的设备上添加物联网传感器、控制器和其他设备难度太大,成本太高。不是这样的。通过物联网使传统设备智能化并不一定是一个漫长、昂贵的定制项目。例如,一家为超过250家工厂提供服务的全球工厂工程公司在各种遗留设备上增加了物联网传感器,以监测电机振动和温度,为客户提供预测性维护。这些客户节省了资金,因为传感器可以即时获取设备状态和健康状况,省去了不必要的定期检查费用,因为所有设备都运行正常。同样的好处也适用于其他有很多遗留设备的垂直行业,比如电力公司。一家电力公司在其电线杆上安装了物联网传感器,以快速查明损坏情况并加快修复速度。这些信息节省了资金,因为工作人员不再浪费时间行驶数英里的线路去寻找导致停电的极点。为了实现数字化转型,一家工厂工程公司和一家电力公司转向了Atomation,这是一家专注于公用事业、制造和物流的物联网和边缘计算的公司。与传统的监控和数据采集(SCADA)以及工业控制系统不同,Atomation的解决方案不需要专门的布线和编程,节省了时间和金钱。当Atomation希望将蜂窝连接添加到其产品组合中,为客户提供额外的灵活性时,它选择了Telit的ME910模块。ME910的下行和上行速度为300kbps,是专为超低功耗,中等的数据速率和负担能力而设计的。例如,Atom设备是由电池供电的,所以一个高功耗的模块对于最大化它们的使用寿命至关重要。他们的蜂窝模块得到了世界各地大型运营商的认证,包括AT&T、Verizon和U.S. cellular,这缩短了Atomation产品上市的时间。ME910还支持LTE Cat M1/NB1下3GPP Release 13 (Rel. 13)。该标准旨在满足许多物联网应用的独特需求。例如,Rel. 13提供了增强的覆盖,与其他蜂窝技术相比,最大耦合损耗高达+15 dB/+20 dB。这有助于确保与物联网设备的可靠连接,即使它们位于建筑物深处,或被信号衰减的金属设备包围。Telit模块是Atomation的可靠和经济的解决方案,我们在开发产品时依赖Telit的细胞专业知识,大大减少了我们的开发时间,并确保快速推出产品。Atomation还选择了Telit OneEdge™,简化了物联网解决方案的设计、部署和管理。ME910预先配备了OneEdge软件,然后进行测试和网络认证,一旦他们在Atomation客户站点激活,就可以连接到云。OneEdge还为Atomation及其客户在准备就绪时迁移到5G物联网解决方案奠定了基础。 OneEdge还用软件版本取代了传统的实体SIM卡。这些嵌入式sim卡使Atomation及其客户更容易在移动运营商之间切换,并利用更好的覆盖范围或更高的费率。OneEdge还提供加密级别的安全性,以保护许多物联网应用程序使用的机密数据。我们来到Telit来解决我们的HTTP断开连接问题。在一个小时内,Telit OneEdge提供了一个无需研发努力的快速分析和解决方案。此外,只有5台设备,OneEdge已经为我们节省了远程故障排除的工作,并解决了在现场遇到的问题。
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  • 智能化技术
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