
Enhanced Capabilities/Product Lineup for System to Measure Water Quality
    ―The acquisition strengthens the research and development of analytical systems to measure water qualities and enhances solution proposals to the market.  We will take advantage of Tethys’s strength in UV spectroscopy which generates good synergy to HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd., that owns the electrochemical and sampling core technologies.  Furthermore, HORIBA Group company has a strong core of nondispersive infrared (NDIR), and combustion technologies.  All these consolidated core potentials allow us to provide a wider range of water and liquid analytical instruments and support.

     ―此次收购加强了水质测量分析系统的研发,并增强了对市场的解决方案建议。我们将利用泰希斯在紫外光谱方面的优势,与拥有电化学和采样核心技术的堀场先进技术有限公司产生良好的协同效应。此外,HORIBA (堀场)集团公司拥有强大的非色散红外(NDIR)和燃烧技术核心。所有这些综合的核心潜力使我们能够提供更广泛的水和液体分析仪器和支持。

(左)堀场先进公司总裁 Kentaro Nishikata
(右)泰希斯公司总裁Uday Patel

     ―The acquisition enables technological development in Europe as a continent pioneering environmental solutions. The partnership will accelerate business development in both developing nations and emerging powers backed by Tethys’ highly specialized sales network.
   ―Together, HORIBA and Tethys will encourage new product development through a synergistic effect between their combined technologies, which will contribute to water safety and security as well as environmental conservation in global markets.
   [Kyoto, Japan] – HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “HAT”), a HORIBA Group company handling the water quality measurement business, has signed to acquire Tethys Instruments SAS (hereinafter “Tethys”), a company in Grenoble, France that develops, manufactures and sells equipment to measure water quality for the environment and process markets, on April 7, 2023 (Central European Time)。
    [日本京都] – 2023年4月7日(中欧时间),堀场集团旗下从事水质测量业务的公司,堀场先进技术株式会社(以下简称“HAT”)已签署收购位于法国格勒诺布尔的泰希斯仪器(以下简称“泰希斯”)公司,该公司开发、制造和销售用于环境和过程市场测量水质的设备。
Business Field and Acquisition Background
      The HAT water quality business provides equipment to measure water quality using electrochemical and NDIR. Through this business, HAT has spearheaded growth by capturing a high share and earning trust of the measurement industry via various water treatment processes based on the Japanese market. Aiming for further business expansion, HAT is strengthening its business capabilities in the global market based on the mission of "protecting the world's water quality."  The acquisition with Tethys broadens HORIBA’s portfolio in water and liquid measurement technologies by bringing its superior UV spectroscopic technologies under the HORIBA Group umbrella. We expect these new capabilities to accelerate the development of products with the specifications and in the price ranges suitable to the needs of customers.
      In addition, the HORIBA Group to capitalize on the Tethys sales network within emerging powers and precisely grasp market needs. This will not only cultivate water quality measurement businesses in regions that really need them, but also should foster business growth that contributes to both society and the environment.
    Uday Patel, President of the Tethys Instruments SAS, said, “I am very excited about the Tethys and HORIBA merger. It signifies the amalgamation of two companies that have a scientific approach to the business and also creates a bridge between two cities - Grenoble (France) and Kyoto (Japan). This partnership will foster scientific research central to the innovation and creativity which will lead to the economic growth of both cities, as well as generate a new potential for significant research and development activities in the online water and gas analyzer market.”
     泰希斯公司总裁Uday Patel表示:“我对泰希斯和堀场的合并感到非常兴奋。它标志着两家具有科学业务方法的公司合并,并在两个城市之间架起了一座桥梁 - 格勒诺布尔(法国)和京都(日本)。这种伙伴关系将促进对创新和创造力至关重要的科学研究,这将导致两个城市的经济增长,并为在线水和气体分析仪市场的重大研发活动创造新的潜力。
   Kentaro Nishikata, President of the HORIBA Advanced Techno, Co., Ltd, said, “We are pleased to welcome Tethys to HAT. Mr. Patel’s business operations demonstrate to us that he and his team have good ideas and business philosophies as a company providing analytical technologies and instruments.  Under it’s company motto “Joy and Fun,” HORIBA must combine and respect both cultures to contribute to industry and sustain our global environment. Tethys has their own uniquely sophisticated spectroscopic technologies and module-based product concept, which will strengthen our brand of global online water quality monitoring product lines. As a HORIBA Group company, we are very happy to have another European scientific research, development and manufacturing footprint in Grenoble as a place that has established one of the highest levels of excellence for research institutes and universities throughout the EU.”
   堀场先进公司总裁Kentaro Nishikata表示:“我们很高兴欢迎泰希斯加入HAT。Patel先生的业务运营向我们表明,作为一家提供分析技术和仪器的公司,他和他的团队拥有良好的想法和商业理念。在公司的座右铭“Joy and Fun(欢乐和乐趣)”下,堀场必须结合并尊重这两种文化,为行业做出贡献并维持我们的全球环境。泰希斯拥有自己独特的先进光谱技术和基于模块的产品理念,这将加强我们全球在线水质监测产品线的品牌。作为 堀场集团旗下公司,我们很高兴在格勒诺布尔拥有另一个欧洲科学研究、开发和制造足迹,这个地方为整个欧盟的研究机构和大学建立了最高水平的卓越服务之一。
Business Attributes and Objectives
    Tethys possesses a wide range of measurement technologies founded in technologies for water quality measurements based on water ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), such as analyzers utilizing COD, ammonia, and in addition to measurements like phosphate, turbidity, and pH. Tethys also offers its own unique modular concept wherein multiple measurement technologies can be integrated into one platform. A single device that can measure a variety of parameters simultaneously contributes to a reduction in the costs required for the water treatment processes undertaken by users. Moreover, Tethys has a highly specialized network in the growth markets of India, Southeast Asia and China.
     HORIBA will capitalize on Tethys’ water quality measurement technologies and sales capabilities to accelerate business development in developing nations and emerging powers. The acquisition enables technological development in Europe as the continent pioneering environmental solutions. HAT and the rest of the HORIBA Group will promote new product development via technological synergies, such as those amassed in electrochemical, NDIR, and combustion fields. This new synergy of HORIBA and Tethys will strengthen business capabilities in a way that will contribute to water safety and security as well as environmental conservation in global markets.

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