Shaping the Future of IoT: 7 MQTT Technology Trends in 2023


Illustration: © IoT For All

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is the standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). MQTT follows an extremely lightweight publish-subscribe messaging model, connecting IoT devices in a scalable, reliable, and efficient manner. It’s been over 20 years since MQTT was invented in 1999 by IBM. As we move into 2023 and look forward to the years ahead, we can anticipate seven developing trends in MQTT technology, as the use of MQTT in IoT is growing tremendously and diversely, driven by the progress of emerging technologies.

“MQTT follows an extremely lightweight publish-subscribe messaging model, connecting IoT devices in a scalable, reliable, and efficient manner.”

-EMQ Technologies Inc.

7 Developing MQTT Trends

#1: MQTT over QUIC

Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC) is a new transport protocol developed by Google that runs over UDP and is designed to reduce the latency associated with establishing new connections, increase data transfer rates, and address the limitations of TCP. HTTP/3, the latest HTTP protocol version, uses QUIC as its transport layer. HTTP/3 has lower latency and a better loading experience on web applications than HTTP/2 due to the adoption of QUIC.

MQTT over QUIC is the most innovative advancement in the MQTT protocol since the first release of the MQTT 5.0 specification in 2017. With multiplexing and faster connection establishment and migration, it has the potential to become the next generation of the MQTT standard. The MQTT 5.0 protocol specification defines three types of transport: TCP, TLS, and WebSocket. MQTT over TLS/SSL is widely used in production to secure communications between MQTT clients and brokers, as security is a top priority for IoT applications. However, it is slow and has high latency, requiring 7 RTT handshakes, 3 TCP, and 4 TLS to establish a new MQTT connection.

MQTT over QUIC, with 1 RTT connection establishment and 0 RTT reconnection latency, is indeed faster and has lower latency compared to MQTT over TLS. The QUIC stack can be customized for various use cases, such as keeping connections alive in poor networking conditions and for scenarios where there is a need for low client-to-server latency. It will benefit connected cars with unreliable cellular networks and low-latency industrial IoT applications. The adoption of MQTT over QUIC is expected to play a vital role in the future of IoT, Industrial IoT (IIoT), and the Internet of Vehicles (IoV).

EMQ Technologies Inc.

#2: MQTT Serverless

The serverless MQTT trend in cloud computing marks a groundbreaking paradigm shift in how applications are designed, developed, deployed, and run. This paradigm enables developers to focus on their application’s business logic instead of managing infrastructure, resulting in enhanced agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Serverless MQTT broker emerges as a cutting-edge architectural innovation for 2023. In contrast to traditional IoT architectures, which require minutes to hours for creating MQTT-hosted services on the cloud or deploying them on-premises, serverless MQTT enables rapid deployment of MQTT services with just a few clicks. Moreover, the true value proposition of serverless MQTT lies not in its deployment speed, but in its unparalleled flexibility.

This flexibility manifests in two key aspects: the seamless scaling of resources in response to user demands and the pay-as-you-go pricing model that aligns with this elastic architecture. As a result, serverless MQTT is poised to drive broader adoption of MQTT, reducing operational costs and spurring innovation and collaboration across diverse industries. We might even see a free serverless MQTT broker for every IoT and Industrial IoT developer.

#3: MQTT Multi-tenancy

Multi-tenancy architecture is a vital aspect of a serverless MQTT broker. IoT devices from different users or tenants can connect to the same large-scale MQTT cluster while keeping their data and business logic isolated from other tenants. SaaS applications commonly use multi-tenancy architecture, where a single application serves multiple customers or tenants. There are usually two different ways to implement multi-tenancy in SaaS, such as:

  1. Tenant Isolation: A separate application instance is provided to each tenant, running on a server or virtual machine.
  2. Database Isolation: Multiple tenants can share a single application instance, but each tenant has their database schema to ensure data isolation.

In the multi-tenancy architecture of the MQTT broker, each device and tenant is given a separate and isolated namespace. This namespace includes a unique topic prefix and access control lists (ACLs) that define which topics each user can access, publish to, or subscribe to.

MQTT broker with multi-tenancy support will reduce management overhead and allow greater flexibility for complex scenarios or large-scale IoT applications. For example, departments and applications in a large organization could use the same MQTT cluster as different tenants.

#4: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0

MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 is the latest version of the MQTT Sparkplug, the open standard specification designed by Eclipse Foundation. This MQTT trend defines how to connect industrial devices, including sensors, actuators, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and gateways using the MQTT messaging protocol. MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 was released in November 2022 with some key new features and improvements:

  • MQTT 5 Support: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 adds support for the MQTT 5 protocol, which includes several new features such as shared subscriptions, message expiry, and flow control.

  • Optimized Data Transmission: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 includes several optimizations for data transmission, including the use of more compact data encoding and compression algorithms.

  • Expanded Data Model: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 introduces an expanded data model, which allows for more detailed device information to be communicated, as well as additional information such as configuration data and device metadata.

  • Improved Security: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 includes several improvements to security, including support for mutual TLS authentication and improved access control mechanisms.

  • Simplified Device Management: MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 includes several improvements to device management, including automatic device registration and discovery, simplified device configuration, and improved diagnostics.

MQTT Sparkplug aimed to simplify connecting and communicating with disparate industrial devices and achieve efficient industrial data acquisition, processing, and analysis. As the new version is released, MQTT Sparkplug 3.0 has the potential to be more widely adopted in the Industrial IoT.

#5: MQTT Unified Namespace

Unified Namespace is a solution architecture built on the MQTT broker for Industrial IoT and Industry 4.0. It provides a unified namespace for MQTT topics and a centralized repository for messages and structured data. Unified Namespace connects industrial devices, sensors, and applications, such as SCADA, MES, and ERP, with star topology using a central MQTT broker. Unified Namespace dramatically simplifies the development of industrial IoT applications with an event-driven architecture.

In traditional IIoT systems, OT and IT systems have generally been separate and operated independently with their data, protocols, and tools. By adopting Unified Namespace, it is possible to allow OT and IT systems to exchange data more efficiently and finally unify the OT and IT in the IoT era.

EMQ Technologies Inc.

#6: MQTT Geo-Distribution

MQTT Geo-Distribution is an innovative architecture that allows MQTT brokers deployed in different regions or clouds to work together as a single cluster. Using Geo-Distribution, MQTT messages can be automatically synchronized and delivered across MQTT brokers in different regions. In 2023, we can expect two approaches to implementing MQTT Geo-Distribution:

  1. Single Cluster, Multi-Region: A single MQTT cluster with brokers running in different regions.
  2. Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud: Multiple MQTT clusters connected with Cluster Linking in different clouds.

We can combine the two approaches to create a reliable IoT messaging infrastructure across geographically distributed MQTT brokers. By adopting the MQTT Geo-Distribution, organizations can build a Global MQTT Access Network across multi-cloud, where devices and applications connected locally from the closest network endpoint can communicate with each other regardless of their physical location.

EMQ Technologies Inc.

#7: MQTT Streams

MQTT Streams is an expected extension of the MQTT protocol that enables the handling of high-volume, high-frequency data streams in real time within an MQTT broker. This feature enhances the capabilities of traditional MQTT brokers, which were originally designed for lightweight publish/subscribe messaging. With MQTT Streams, clients can produce and consume MQTT messages as streams, similar to how Apache Kafka works. This allows for historical message replay, which is essential for event-driven processing, ensuring ultimate data consistency, auditing, and compliance.

Stream processing is crucial for extracting real-time business value from the massive amounts of data generated by IoT device sensors. Previously, this required an outdated, complex big data stack involving the integration of an MQTT broker with Kafka, Hadoop, Flink, or Spark for IoT data stream processing.

However, with built-in stream processing, MQTT Streams streamline the IoT data processing stack, improve data processing efficiency and response time, and provide a unified messaging and streaming platform for IoT.

By supporting features such as message deduplication, message replay, and message expiration, MQTT Streams enable high throughput, low latency, and fault tolerance, making them a powerful tool for handling real-time data streams in MQTT-based IoT applications.

Progress of Emerging Technologies

Overall, these seven trends in MQTT technology reflect the progress of emerging technologies and their role in advancing the IoT. As a standard messaging protocol evolved for over two decades, MQTT’s importance continues to grow.

With the increasing use of IoT in various industries, the MQTT protocol is evolving to meet new challenges and demands, such as faster and lower-latency connections, more rapid deployment of MQTT services, greater flexibility for complex scenarios or large-scale IoT applications, and more support on connecting various industrial devices.

With these developments and trends, MQTT will become the nerve system of IoT and an even more crucial player in IIoT and IoV in 2023 and beyond.





  • Connectivity
  • Data Analytics
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Industry 4.0
  • Network and Protocols

  • Connectivity
  • Data Analytics
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Industry 4.0
  • Network and Protocols

消息队列遥测传输(MQTT)是物联网(IoT)的标准消息传递协议。MQTT遵循一种非常轻量级的发布-订阅消息传递模型,以可伸缩、可靠和高效的方式连接IoT设备。自1999年IBM发明MQTT以来,已经过去了20多年。当我们进入2023年并展望未来几年时,我们可以预测MQTT技术的七个发展趋势,因为在新兴技术的进步推动下,MQTT在物联网中的使用正在急剧和多样化地增长。MQTT遵循一种极其轻量级的发布-订阅消息传递模型,以可扩展、可靠和高效的方式连接物联网设备。”快速UDP Internet连接(QUIC)是谷歌开发的一种新的传输协议,运行在UDP上,旨在减少与建立新连接相关的延迟,提高数据传输速率,并解决TCP的限制。HTTP/3是最新的HTTP协议版本,它使用QUIC作为传输层。由于采用了QUIC, HTTP/3在web应用程序上具有更低的延迟和更好的加载体验。基于QUIC的MQTT是自2017年MQTT 5.0规范发布以来MQTT协议中最具创新性的进步。通过多路复用和更快的连接建立和迁移,它有可能成为下一代MQTT标准。MQTT 5.0协议规范定义了三种类型的传输:TCP、TLS和WebSocket。基于TLS/SSL的MQTT在生产中被广泛用于保护MQTT客户端和代理之间的通信,因为安全性是物联网应用程序的首要任务。但是,它速度较慢,具有较高的延迟,需要7次RTT握手、3次TCP和4次TLS才能建立一个新的MQTT连接。与TLS上的MQTT相比,QUIC上的MQTT具有1个RTT连接建立和0个RTT重连接延迟,确实更快,延迟更低。QUIC堆栈可以针对各种用例进行定制,例如在恶劣的网络条件下保持连接活跃,以及需要低客户端到服务器延迟的场景。它将有利于具有不可靠蜂窝网络和低延迟工业物联网应用的联网汽车。MQTT在QUIC上的采用预计将在物联网、工业物联网(IIoT)和车联网(IoV)的未来发挥至关重要的作用。云计算中的无服务器MQTT趋势标志着应用程序如何设计、开发、部署和运行的突破性范式转变。此范例使开发人员能够专注于应用程序的业务逻辑,而不是管理基础设施,从而增强了敏捷性、可伸缩性和成本效益。无服务器MQTT代理将成为2023年的前沿架构创新。传统的物联网体系结构需要几分钟到几小时才能在云中创建MQTT托管服务或在本地部署它们,而无服务器MQTT只需单击几下即可实现MQTT服务的快速部署。此外,无服务器MQTT的真正价值主张不在于其部署速度,而在于其无与伦比的灵活性。这种灵活性体现在两个关键方面:根据用户需求无缝扩展资源,以及与这种弹性架构相一致的现收现付定价模型。因此,无服务器MQTT有望推动MQTT的广泛采用,降低运营成本,并促进不同行业的创新和协作。我们甚至可能看到每个物联网和工业物联网开发人员都有一个免费的无服务器MQTT代理。 多租户体系结构是无服务器MQTT代理的一个重要方面。来自不同用户或租户的IoT设备可以连接到相同的大规模MQTT集群,同时保持其数据和业务逻辑与其他租户隔离。SaaS应用程序通常使用多租户体系结构,其中单个应用程序为多个客户或租户服务。在SaaS中实现多租户通常有两种不同的方法,例如:在MQTT代理的多租户体系结构中,每个设备和租户都被赋予一个独立的、隔离的名称空间。这个名称空间包括一个唯一的主题前缀和访问控制列表(acl),这些列表定义了每个用户可以访问、发布或订阅哪些主题。具有多租户支持的MQTT代理将减少管理开销,并为复杂场景或大规模物联网应用程序提供更大的灵活性。例如,大型组织中的部门和应用程序可以作为不同的租户使用相同的MQTT集群。MQTT Sparkplug 3.0是MQTT Sparkplug的最新版本,是由Eclipse Foundation设计的开放标准规范。MQTT趋势定义了如何使用MQTT消息传递协议连接工业设备,包括传感器、执行器、可编程逻辑控制器(plc)和网关。MQTT Sparkplug 3.0于2022年11月发布,具有一些关键的新功能和改进:MQTT Sparkplug旨在简化与不同工业设备的连接和通信,并实现高效的工业数据采集、处理和分析。随着新版本的发布,MQTT Sparkplug 3.0有可能在工业物联网中得到更广泛的采用。统一命名空间是构建在MQTT代理上的解决方案体系结构,适用于工业物联网和工业4.0。它为MQTT主题提供了统一的名称空间,并为消息和结构化数据提供了集中式存储库。Unified Namespace使用中央MQTT代理将工业设备、传感器和应用程序(如SCADA、MES和ERP)与星型拓扑连接起来。统一命名空间通过事件驱动的架构极大地简化了工业物联网应用程序的开发。在传统的工业物联网系统中,OT和IT系统通常是分开的,它们的数据、协议和工具都独立运行。通过采用统一命名空间,可以让OT和it系统更高效地交换数据,最终实现物联网时代OT和it的统一。MQTT地理分布是一种创新的体系结构,它允许部署在不同区域或云中的MQTT代理作为单个集群一起工作。使用地理分布,MQTT消息可以在不同区域的MQTT代理之间自动同步和传递。在2023年,我们可以预期实现MQTT地理分布的两种方法:我们可以结合这两种方法来跨地理分布的MQTT代理创建可靠的IoT消息传递基础设施。通过采用MQTT地理分布,组织可以跨多云构建全球MQTT访问网络,其中从最近的网络端点本地连接的设备和应用程序可以相互通信,而不管其物理位置如何。MQTT Streams是MQTT协议的预期扩展,它支持在MQTT代理中实时处理大容量、高频数据流。此特性增强了传统MQTT代理的功能,传统MQTT代理最初是为轻量级发布/订阅消息传递而设计的。使用MQTT流,客户端可以生成和使用MQTT消息作为流,类似于Apache Kafka的工作方式。这允许历史消息重播,这对于事件驱动的处理非常重要,可以确保最终的数据一致性、审计和遵从性。
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Tengrui 腾锐视讯 R-NB60-A 数据采集仪

锐TR-NB60-A NB-IoT终端是一种物联网无线数据终端,利用公用NB-IoT网络为用户提供无线长距离数据传输功能。该产品采用高性能的工业级32位通信处理器和工业级NB-IoT模块,以嵌入式实时操作系统为软件支撑平台,提供RS232、RS485、CAN接口,可直接连接串口设备,实现数据透明传输功能;低功耗设计;符合中国移动、联通、电信等蜂窝物联网通用模组技术规范,支持LWM2M、MQTT等主流通信协议,支持固件本地升级和定制远程升级,提供丰富的外部接口和协议栈。



