How To Build an AI-Powered Financial Assistant App


How To Build an AI-Powered Financial Assistant App
Illustration: © IoT For All

What is a Personal Financial Assistant App?

Personal financial assistant apps help users manage their money more intelligently. Such an app can perform a wide range of tasks, from monitoring expenses and income to advising on the most suitable investment options. Some apps can also manage subscriptions and get better rates for your bills. For example, TrueBill automatically scans a user’s bills and looks for the best ways to save.

Personal financial assistants can be standalone applications or software connected to personal banking accounts. In the second case, the user will get more opportunities to control and manage their expenses and incomes, since the software will automatically pull up data such as transaction history. 

It is worth noting that most personal finance applications combine several types in one to provide a better user experience and offer comprehensive financial management services. What features to choose for your application is to be decided. We recommend looking at your business goals, the needs of your potential users, and market trends to help in your determination.

'The line between an ordinary financial management app and a powerful financial assistant lies in the use of artificial intelligence.' -MobiDevClick To Tweet

Key Features of Financial Assistant Applications

To get a big picture of how to develop an AI personal financial assistant from the technical side, you must first create a preliminary list of features for your financial software solution. Let’s start with some functionalities that form the basis of any money management app. Here are features that users expect to see by default when downloading a financial assistant app:

  • Registration/Log In 
  • Tracking expenses
  • Categorization and budgeting
  • Setting financial goals 
  • Investment and savings
  • Integration with banking accounts
  • Analytics and reports
  • Notifications and alerts

Advanced AI-Based Functionalities

The line between an ordinary financial management app and a powerful financial assistant lies in the use of artificial intelligence. Designed correctly, AI assistants can become a full-fledged alternative to human financial consultants, providing an equal level of customer service. So, let’s take a look at some advanced features based on this technology. Here are ways you can make your financial management application more intelligent.

Biometric Authentication

The issue of security cannot be overlooked when talking about building an app for the financial market. Security is one of the main decision factors for users when choosing a financial app. If you plan to connect your app with users’ bank accounts and credit cards, you must be sure that this process is completely secure and that no user data will be lost or compromised. This is an area where artificial intelligence can show its full power. 

According to IBM, 20 percent of data breaches are caused by compromised credentials. Biometric authentication technology is considered one of the most reliable ways to protect data. Modern algorithms can easily guess the correct password for an account, but they cannot fake the unique physical characteristics of users.

Biometrics technology can be implemented in the way of facial recognition, iris scanning, fingerprint identification, or voice verification. However, each option has its implementation features. For example, creating iris scanning on mobile and desktop is not possible without special hardware, since the resolution of conventional cameras is not enough. 

According to Finances Online, facial recognition is one of the top three artificial intelligence technologies being adopted worldwide.

Conversational Engine

Artificial intelligence is that magical tool that can turn software into a financial assistant that communicates with users in a human-like manner. Instead of looking up information in the app, the user can ask something like “Hey, what is my credit card balance?” and get a voice response. Conversational AI makes it possible. Based on Natural language processing (NLP)and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technology, the conversational engine enables smooth communication between a financial app and its users.

A properly trained conversational engine makes a financial app easy to get along with and increases user engagement while interacting with the app. The development of such a module requires deep expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.

Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics Modules

Another powerful AI capability of fintech applications is predictive technology. Thanks to it, personal finance assistant apps can detect user behavior patterns as well as make predictions on future users’ income and expenses. This happens thanks to statistics and modeling techniques. Predictions are made based on historical data of account transactions powered by machine learning algorithms. Predictive analytics will let users plan for the future and tell them how best to achieve their financial goals acting like a real financial advisor. 

Predictive analytics graph
Predictive Analytics

When it comes to providing recommendations and financial advice, prescriptive analytics comes into play. Basically, this technology takes what predictive analytics has learned and goes one step further by determining the best course of action in a given situation. However, you should know that this analytics module is quite a complex solution that requires extensive industry and technology knowledge and a large amount of historical data. 

Receipt Recognition

If you want to develop a personal finance assistant app like Expensify, you’ll need a recipient recognition feature that will allow you to scan receipts and automatically enter expenses into the app. Expensify provides the SmartScan feature based on optical character recognition technology (OCR) that enables the data-entry process and translates scanned images into text. It reads the merchant, date, and amount of the transaction, creates an expense, and enters this data into the expense report. Sounds easy right? However, from a technical point of view, the process looks much more complicated.

To provide recognition of the receipt, the system extracts the text from the photo of your receipt and analyzes it to determine which data corresponds to the categories embedded in the system, such as date, amount, currency, and the like. After that, the module analyzes existing spending categories and looks for suitable ones in order to add information from a new receipt.

Flow Diagram of OCR
Optical Character Recognition Diagram

The main challenge of implementing this feature is that receipts can be represented in different formats, which complicates the analysis of information and its further distribution. This is where you need effective machine learning models. AI and ML will allow you to avoid errors occurring in the process of data conversion and effectively process different types of documents thanks to advanced algorithms. Also, a common solution is to implement a built-in system that allows you to manually correct the OCR output data to get a more accurate result.

Connecting a Financial Management App to Banking Accounts

If you are looking for the answer on how to create a budget planning app, you should remember that linking the AI ​​financial assistant app with bank accounts opens up a lot of benefits for users. This way, they can get some valuable insights about their expenses and incomes automatically without the need for manual data entry. So how do you provide users with the ability to connect your fintech app to their accounts?

The integration of the application with the bank takes place using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), software that enables data transmission between the two parties. The concept of open banking, which is gaining momentum around the world, makes it a fairly easy process. This model allows traditional financial institutions and fintech startups to cooperate based on open APIs provided by banks. Open banking APIs solutions allow the application to integrate with bank accounts and customize the flow of necessary data for efficient use in financial planning. This approach has replaced screen scraping, where users provide their bank account login ID and password to third parties without the bank’s knowledge, putting their accounts at risk.

Open banking encourages banks to develop their own open APIs that make it possible to create new financial products based on them. Thus, traditional banks enrich their list of services and support competition in the market. Financial managing apps can operate based on open banking in the UK (UK Open Banking Standard), European Union (PSD2), Australia (Australia’s Consumer Data Right Act), and some other regions. 

For example, Europe Payment Services Directive Two (PSD2) obligated every licensed bank in the EU to provide its open banking APIs to third-party developers and fintech firms. In Australia in 2020, the Big Four Banks were also legally required to make customer account information available upon request. The USA doesn’t yet have legislation governing open banking, although some banks are initiating the development of their own open APIs, realizing the benefits and security of this approach. BBVA, Citibank, and Capital One are among them. 

What to Look for When Creating an AI Assistant for Finance

The technical side of creating an AI financial assistant is closely related to other aspects of bringing the application to the market. Here are some points that you also need to focus on.

Regulatory Compliance

The question of regulatory compliance can be quite challenging for a fintech startup founder as the regulatory landscape differs from region to region. 

For example, the United States, which is the leader in the number of fintech startups in the world, still doesn’t have a single framework for managing the fintech sector. Therefore, when developing applications for this market, you need to study the local regulations of a particular state, also taking into account the federal legislation covering financial services such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations, Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA), etc.

In Europe, your application must be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), ensuring users’ consent to access their data, and KYC/AML, which helps prevent money fraud and terrorist financing. PSD2, which obliges banks to provide open APIs for third-party access, also imposes other requirements on financial service providers. If your application is associated with any type of payment service in the European Union, it must comply with certain requirements, for example, the use of multi-factor authentication for user login.

It’s also worth mentioning the EU Artificial Intelligence Act proposed by the European Commission at the end of 2021. The AI ​​Act aims to establish a set of rules for AI-powered products on the EU market. In particular, the law contains a “product safety framework” built around a set of 4 risk categories. It establishes requirements for entering the market and certifying high-risk AI systems, which include solutions like product security components, credit scoring, evidence reliability assessment, and others that may be considered a clear security threat or violation of human rights. The regulation has not yet entered into use, but it should also be taken into account when developing AI-based software thinking of the future. 

We highly recommend that you study the regulatory environment of the region for which you are creating a financial app in order to comply with all requirements and implement the appropriate features in your product. 

Experienced AI Developers

Virtual financial assistant app development requires not only an understanding of the industry but deep expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI app development is not as easy as it seems. Creating efficient algorithms and working with advanced technologies cannot be learned in theory, it requires practice and constant knowledge updating. Therefore, you need to look for a reliable development team that will turn a financial application into an intelligent indispensable assistant for your customers.

How to hire experienced AI engineers? Look for proven experience in developing and training machine learning models, as well as expertise in data science since AI works with large amounts of data. Also, take an interest in examples of AI-powered projects implemented by the team. There are people behind every project, so choose the right people to bring your business idea to life.





  • Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Machine Learning

  • Finance
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Analytics
  • Developer
  • Machine Learning

个人理财助理应用程序帮助用户更智能地管理他们的钱。这种应用程序可以执行广泛的任务,从监控费用和收入到就最合适的投资选择提供建议。一些应用程序还可以管理订阅,为您的账单获得更好的费率。例如,TrueBill会自动扫描用户的账单,并寻找最佳的省钱方式。个人理财助理可以是与个人银行账户相连的独立应用程序或软件。在第二种情况下,用户将有更多的机会来控制和管理他们的支出和收入,因为软件会自动调出交易历史等数据。值得注意的是,大多数个人理财应用程序将几种类型结合在一起,以提供更好的用户体验并提供全面的财务管理服务。要决定为您的应用程序选择什么特性。我们建议查看您的业务目标、潜在用户的需求和市场趋势,以帮助您做出决定。为了从技术方面了解如何开发AI个人财务助理,您必须首先为您的财务软件解决方案创建一个初步的功能列表。让我们从构成任何理财应用程序基础的一些功能开始。以下是用户在下载理财助手应用程序时默认希望看到的功能:普通的理财应用程序和强大的理财助手之间的区别在于人工智能的使用。如果设计得当,人工智能助理可以完全替代人类财务顾问,提供同等水平的客户服务。那么,让我们来看看基于这项技术的一些高级功能。以下是使您的财务管理应用程序更加智能的方法。在谈到为金融市场开发应用程序时,安全性问题不容忽视。安全性是用户在选择金融应用程序时的主要决策因素之一。如果你计划将应用程序与用户的银行账户和信用卡连接,你必须确保这个过程是完全安全的,没有用户数据会丢失或泄露。这是人工智能可以充分展示其力量的领域。据IBM称,20%的数据泄露是由证书泄露造成的。生物识别认证技术被认为是保护数据最可靠的方法之一。现代算法可以很容易地猜出一个账户的正确密码,但它们无法伪造用户独特的身体特征。生物识别技术可以通过面部识别、虹膜扫描、指纹识别或语音验证等方式实现。然而,每个选项都有其实现特性。例如,如果没有特殊的硬件,在手机和桌面上创建虹膜扫描是不可能的,因为传统相机的分辨率不够。据《金融在线》报道,面部识别是全球采用的三大人工智能技术之一。人工智能是一种神奇的工具,它可以把软件变成像人一样与用户沟通的财务助理。用户无需在应用程序中查找信息,而是可以问“嘿,我的信用卡余额是多少?”这样的问题,然后得到语音回复。对话式人工智能使这成为可能。会话引擎基于自然语言处理(NLP)和自然语言理解(NLU)技术,实现了金融应用程序与用户之间的顺畅沟通。一个经过适当训练的对话引擎可以使金融应用程序更容易相处,并在与应用程序交互时增加用户粘性。开发这样一个模块需要在人工智能和机器学习算法方面有深入的专业知识。 金融科技应用的另一个强大的AI能力是预测技术。得益于它,个人理财助手应用程序可以检测用户的行为模式,并预测用户未来的收入和支出。这要归功于统计和建模技术。预测是基于机器学习算法支持的账户交易历史数据进行的。预测分析将让用户为未来做计划,并告诉他们如何最好地实现他们的财务目标,就像一个真正的财务顾问。当涉及到提供建议和财务建议时,规范性分析就发挥了作用。基本上,这项技术借鉴了预测分析的经验,并进一步确定了在给定情况下的最佳行动方案。然而,您应该知道这个分析模块是一个相当复杂的解决方案,它需要广泛的行业和技术知识以及大量的历史数据。如果你想开发一个像Expensify这样的个人财务助理应用程序,你需要一个收件人识别功能,允许你扫描收据,并自动在应用程序中输入支出。Expensify提供基于光学字符识别技术(OCR)的SmartScan功能,支持数据输入过程,并将扫描图像转换为文本。它读取商家、日期和交易金额,创建费用,并将该数据输入到费用报告中。听起来很简单,对吧?然而,从技术角度来看,这个过程看起来要复杂得多。为了对收据进行识别,系统从您的收据照片中提取文本,并对其进行分析,以确定哪些数据与系统中嵌入的类别对应,如日期、金额、货币等。之后,模块分析现有的支出类别并寻找合适的类别,以便从新的收据中添加信息。实现这一功能的主要挑战是收据可以用不同的格式表示,这使信息的分析和进一步分发复杂化。这就是你需要有效机器学习模型的地方。AI和ML可以避免在数据转换过程中出现错误,并通过先进的算法有效地处理不同类型的文档。另外,一个常见的解决方案是实现一个内置系统,允许您手动更正OCR输出数据,以获得更准确的结果。如果你正在寻找如何创建一个预算规划应用程序的答案,你应该记住,将AI财务助理应用程序与银行账户相链接为用户带来了很多好处。这样,他们就可以自动获得有关他们的支出和收入的一些有价值的见解,而不需要手动输入数据。那么,你如何为用户提供将你的金融科技应用程序与他们的账户连接的能力呢?应用程序与银行的集成使用应用程序编程接口(application Programming interface, api)实现,该软件支持双方之间的数据传输。开放银行的概念在全球范围内势头日益强劲,这使其成为一个相当容易的过程。该模式允许传统金融机构和金融科技初创公司基于银行提供的开放api进行合作。开放银行api解决方案允许应用程序与银行账户集成,并定制必要的数据流,以便在财务规划中高效使用。这种方法取代了屏幕抓取,即用户在银行不知情的情况下向第三方提供他们的银行账户登录ID和密码,将他们的账户置于风险之中。 开放银行鼓励银行开发自己的开放应用程序接口(api),从而有可能在此基础上创建新的金融产品。因此,传统银行丰富了他们的服务清单,支持市场竞争。财务管理应用程序可以基于英国(英国开放银行标准)、欧盟(PSD2)、澳大利亚(澳大利亚消费者数据权利法案)和其他一些地区的开放银行进行操作。例如,欧洲支付服务指令二(PSD2)要求欧盟所有持牌银行向第三方开发者和金融科技公司提供其开放银行api。在2020年的澳大利亚,四大银行也被法律要求应客户要求提供账户信息。美国还没有针对开放银行的立法,尽管一些银行开始开发他们自己的开放api,意识到这种方法的好处和安全性。西班牙对外银行、花旗银行和第一资本都在其中。创建AI财务助理的技术方面与将应用程序推向市场的其他方面密切相关。以下是你需要注意的几点。监管合规的问题对于金融科技初创公司的创始人来说是相当具有挑战性的,因为不同地区的监管环境不同。例如,美国虽然是全球金融科技创业公司数量最多的国家,但仍然没有一个管理金融科技行业的单一框架。因此,在为这个市场开发应用程序时,你需要研究特定州的地方法规,同时考虑到涵盖金融服务的联邦立法,如反洗钱(AML)法规、格雷姆-里奇比利利法案(GLBA)等。在欧洲,你的应用程序必须符合通用数据保护法规(GDPR),确保用户同意访问他们的数据,以及KYC/AML,这有助于防止货币欺诈和恐怖主义融资。PSD2要求银行为第三方访问提供开放的api,同时也对金融服务提供商提出了其他要求。如果您的应用程序与欧盟的任何类型的支付服务相关联,那么它必须符合某些要求,例如,对用户登录使用多因素身份验证。值得一提的是,欧盟委员会在2021年底提出的《欧盟人工智能法案》。《人工智能法案》旨在为欧盟市场上的人工智能驱动产品建立一套规则。尤其值得一提的是,该法包含了一个围绕4种风险类别构建的“产品安全框架”。它确定了进入市场和认证高风险AI系统的要求,其中包括产品安全组件、信用评分、证据可靠性评估等解决方案,以及其他可能被认为是明显的安全威胁或侵犯人权的内容。该规定还没有投入使用,但在开发基于人工智能的软件思考未来时,也应该考虑到这一点。我们强烈建议您研究您正在为其创建金融应用程序的地区的监管环境,以便符合所有要求并在您的产品中实现适当的功能。虚拟金融助理应用程序的开发不仅需要对行业的理解,还需要在人工智能和机器学习方面的深入专业知识。AI应用开发并不像看上去那么容易。创建高效的算法和使用先进的技术不能在理论上学习,它需要实践和不断更新的知识。因此,您需要寻找一个可靠的开发团队,他们将把金融应用程序转变为您的客户不可或缺的智能助手。 如何雇佣有经验的AI工程师?寻找在开发和训练机器学习模型方面被证明有经验的人,以及在数据科学方面的专业知识,因为AI需要处理大量数据。另外,对由团队实现的ai驱动的项目的例子感兴趣。每个项目背后都有人,所以选择合适的人来实现你的商业想法。








